I have recently
purchased a Golden Age Project Pre 73 MkII and Comp 54 on the
recommendation of someone from the SOS forums, and I am so pleased.
I use an RME Babyface and wondered, with my limited hardware, would it
be possible to output my final mix one channel at a time through the
Comp 54? The reason I ask is that the hardware adds something that
no VST seems to be able to do. If someone knows how I could do this it
would be great. If it matters, the DAW I am using is Reaper.
Via SOS web site
Technical Editor Hugh Robjohns replies:
The answer is yes, but it’s not
as straightforward as it might appear and you need to be careful.
basic problem is that when you’re working with a stereo mix the stereo
imaging is determined by the subtle level differences of individual
instruments in the two channels. A compressor exists to alter the level
of whatever you pass through it dynamically, depending on its own level.
Imagine an extreme situation where you have
some gentle acoustic guitar in the centre of your mix image, and some
occasional heavy percussion panned hard left. If you process those two
channels with separate unlinked compressors, the right channel
compressor only sees a gentle guitar and does nothing, while the left
channel compressor will feel obliged to wind the level back every time
the mad drummer breaks out.
you may like the effect a certain piece of gear (like this Golden Age
Project Comp 54) has on your recordings, passing your left and right
channels through it separately is not a good idea. The reason for this
is that the compressor can only react to what it is fed at any given
time. So when the left and right channels are heard together — after
being run through the Comp 54 — the sound will be very uneven. You can
get around this by setting up an external side-chain input, which will
cause the compressor to react to what it gets from the other channel,
but with the Comp 54 this is not possible, so another approach
altogether might be in order.
Listen to the two compressed channels
afterwards in stereo and the result will be a very unsettled guitarist
who shuffles rapidly over to the right every time the percussionist
breaks out (probably a wise thing to do in the real world, of course,
but not very helpful for our stereo mix).
If you
process your stereo mix one channel at a time through your single
outboard compressor, that’s exactly what will happen. The compressor
will only react to whatever it sees in its own channel during in each
pass, and when you marry the two compressed recordings together again
you will find you have an unstable stereo image. The audibility of this,
and how objectionable you find it, will depend on the specific material
(the imaging and dynamics of your mix), but the problem will definitely
be there.
Stereo compressors avoid this problem
by linking the side chains of the two channels, so that whenever one
channel decides it has to reduce the gain, the other does too, and by
the same amount. In that way it maintains the correct level balance
between the two channels and so avoids any stereo image shifts.
can achieve the same end result if your single outboard compressor has
an external side-chain input, but sadly I don’t think the Golden Age
Project model does. If it did, what you’d need to do is create a mono
version of the stereo mix in your DAW and feed that mono track out to
the compressor’s external side-chain input, along with one of the
individual stereo mix channels (followed by the other). That way, the
compressor will be controlled only by the complete mono mix when
processing the separate left and right mix channels, so it will always
react in the same way, regardless of what is happening on an individual
channel, and there won’t be any image shifting.
no help to you with this setup, of course, but don’t give up yet, as
there is another possibility. You could take an entirely different
approach, and that’s to compress the mix in a Mid/Side format instead of
left-right. It involves a bit more work, obviously, as you’ll need to
convert your stereo track from left-right to Mid/Side, then pass each of
the new Mid and Side channels separately through the compressor, and
then convert the resulting compressed Mid/Side channels back into
left-right stereo. Using an M/S plug-in makes the task a lot easier than
fiddling around with mixer routing and grouping, and there are several
good free ones around.
The advantage of this
Mid/Side technique is that, although the Mid and Side signals are being
processed separately and independently, the resulting image shifts will
be much less obvious. The reason for this is that instead of blatant
left-right shifts, they will now be variations in overall image width
instead, and that is very much less noticeable to the average listener.
Sorry for the long-winded answer, but I hope that has pointed you in the right direction.
Reviews Editor Matt Houghton adds: I agree with Hugh’s suggestion of
M/S compression. I regularly use that when I want to deploy two
otherwise unlinkable mono compressors, and there’s no reason why you
can’t process the Mid and Side components one at a time. The only issue
here will be your inability to preview what you’re doing to a stereo
source, so be careful not to overwrite your original audio files! However, I sense that it’s the effect of running through the
compressor’s transformers that you’re hoping to achieve. In that case,
just set to unity gain and set the threshold so that the unit isn’t
compressing, and then run the signal through it. If it is standard L/R
compression you want, you could always get another Comp 54, as although
they’re mono processors they’re stereo-linkable with a single jack
In Cubase, I find that the best approach
to incorporating such outboard devices into my setup is to create an
External FX plug-in for each device, and then insert that on each
channel and print the result. In Reaper, the equivalent tool is the
excellent ReaInsert plug-in. This approach not only makes the process
less labour intensive in the long run, but means that you can drag and
drop the processor to different points in the channel’s signal chain,
should you want to.
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