Phrases like ‘digital
clocking’, ‘word clock’ and ‘interface jitter’ are bandied around a lot
in the pages of Sound On Sound. I’m not that much of a newbie, but
I have to admit to being completely in the dark about this! Could you
put me out of my misery and explain it to me?
‘jitter’, which results from clock-data degradation, can cause your
waveform to be constructed with amplitude errors, seen in the diagram.
These could produce noise and distortion. It’s for this reason that
people sometimes use a dedicated master clock, which all other devices
are ‘slaved’ to.
James Coxon, via email
Technical Editor Hugh Robjohns replies:
Digital audio is represented by
a series of samples, each one denoting the amplitude of the audio
waveform at a specific point in time. The digital clocking signal —
known as a ‘sample clock’ or, more usually, a ‘word clock’ — defines
those points in time.
When digital audio is
being transferred between equipment, the receiving device needs to know
when each new sample is due to arrive, and it needs to receive a word
clock to do that. Most interface formats, such as AES3, S/PDIF and ADAT,
carry an embedded word-clock signal within the digital data, and
usually that’s sufficient to allow the receiving device to ‘slave’ to
the source device and interpret the data correctly.
that embedded clock data can be degraded by the physical properties of
the connecting cable, resulting in ‘interface jitter’, which leads to
instability in the retrieved clocking information. If this jittery clock
is used to construct the waveform — as it often is in simple D-A and
A-D converters — it will result in amplitude errors that could
potentially produce unwanted noise and distortion.
this reason, the better converters go to great lengths to avoid the
effects of interface jitter, using a variety of bespoke re-clocking and
jitter-reduction systems. However, when digital audio is passed between
two digital devices — from a CD player to a DAW, say — the audio isn’t
actually reconstructed at all. The devices are just passing and
receiving one sample value after another and, provided the numbers
themselves are transferred accurately, the timing isn’t critical at all.
In that all-digital context, interface jitter is totally irrelevant:
jitter only matters when audio is being converted to or from the digital
and analogue domains.
Where an embedded clock
isn’t available, or you want to synchronise the sample clocks of several
devices together (as you must if you want to be able to mix digital
signals from multiple sources), the master device’s word clock must be
distributed to all the slave devices, and those devices specifically
configured to synchronise themselves to that incoming master clock.
orchestra can only have one conductor if you want everyone to play in
time together and, in the same way, a digital system can only have one
master clock device. Everything else must slave to that clock. The
master device is typically the main A-D converter in most systems, which
often means the computer’s audio interface, but in large and complex
systems it might be a dedicated master clock device instead.
word clock can be distributed to equipment in a variety of forms,
depending on the available connectivity, but the basic format is
a simple word-clock signal, which is a square wave running at the sample
rate. It is traditionally carried on a 75Ω video cable equipped with
BNC connectors. It can also be passed as an embedded clock on an AES3 or
S/PDIF cable (often known as ‘Digital Black’ or the AES11 format), and
in audio-video installations a video ‘black and burst’ signal might be
used in some cases.
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