When clocking an
audio interface using an external device, such as a stand-alone mic
preamp with A-D conversion, is it better to use the dedicated word-clock
(normally BNC) connectors, or will the clock signal be just as good
coming down the S/PDIF, AES3 or ADAT cable that is carrying the audio
a clock signal is a perfect square wave, as shown here, clock timing
will be jitter free. However, passing an AES3 signal down a capacitive
cable distorts the waveshape and introduces a timing ambiguity called
‘interface jitter’.
Image courtesy of Prism Sound
Sam Wood, via email
Technical Editor Hugh Robjohns replies: Theoretically, recovering the
clock from a dedicated clock source via word clock should be easier and
better — with less intrinsic interface jitter — than trying to extract
an embedded clock from AES3, S/PDIF or ADAT interfaces.
reason is that word clock is a really simple square-wave signal
running at the sample rate. Cable losses will slow the transitions, so
what falls out the end of the cable will probably be a little more
rounded than what went in. But the important point is that the periods
between each transition from high to low (and vice versa) will remain
absolutely consistent. It’s those transitions that define the sample
By contrast, AES3, S/PDIF and ADAT all
embed the clock pulses within the audio stream by using a type of
modulation process. The result is that the transitions depend on both
the audio data and the clock data, so the transition rate varies. The
inherent capacitance within the cable reacts with those transitions and
the result is small, but varying, time shifts of the transition point.
This process is called ‘interface jitter’, and it is an intrinsic part
of that kind of digital audio interface. The diagram above, courtesy of
Prism Sound, illustrates the effect.
interface jitter can be removed fairly easily using phase-locked loops
(PLLs) or other, often proprietary, techniques these days. Moreover, it
doesn’t actually matter in the case of transferring digital audio from
one digital machine to another, anyway, provided all that is required is
to identify each data-bit value reliably.
interface jitter becomes important is in the D-A conversion stage, or
when clocking an A-D converter from an external master clock. In both of
these situations, the signal is being converted between the analogue
and digital domains, and precise, jitter-free sample-clock timing is,
therefore, absolutely essential.
That’s why
it’s best to run an A-D from its internal crystal clock, rather than an
external master clock, if possible, and why good D-As go to so much
trouble to isolate and remove interface jitter.
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