I have a Fender
Hotrod Deluxe guitar amp that I love the sound of when gigging, but
it’s far too loud for recording at home. I know about power soaks like
the Hotplate and Motherload, but they’re as expensive as buying a
smaller amp! Are there any other good ways to reduce the output level
without sacrificing the tone?
Making an amp quieter for the purposes of recording is an ongoing problem for recordists who want an authentic sound.
Lloyd Parsons, via email
Editor In Chief Paul White replies:
Unless you’re good at electronics
DIY and have a good understanding of the subject, the short answer is
that there is no simple or inexpensive way to get the results you’re
after. Tube amps have to be run into a load of similar impedance to the
loudspeaker or the amp could be severely damaged, and that load has to
be able to dissipate the output power of the amplifier without
overheating. This is how power soaks work. There are specialist circuits
that plug into your output tube sockets to reduce the power — again,
quite costly (and only suitable for certain amp models) — but I’ve never
tried these. I’ve also seen some replacement speakers that have a
variable magnetic flux control to make them a few dBs quieter but,
again, these would cost more than a power soak.
leaves you with the option of trying to isolate the sound from your
existing amp so that it doesn’t leak into the rest of the house. I’ve
made recordings where the amp has been placed on its back on a block of
foam, with the mic stand in place looking down onto the speaker, then
I’ve used a clothes drying frame to make a small tent over the amp and
covered this with blankets and duvets. This won’t kill all the sound,
but may make it more tolerable.
Isolation cab completely encloses a speaker, which is used instead of
your combo’s speakers, then miked up through the cab.
At one time, I even considered putting a speaker
baffle and a 12-inch speaker halfway up a plastic dustbin with a mic
correctly positioned above it. The plan was to seal the lid with silicon
rubber to prevent moisture getting in and then bury the thing in the
garden just outside the studio, with appropriate connection cables in
place! I never did get around to it, as I now do all my recording with
a small Vox AC30 hybrid modelling, valve and solid-state amp that
sounds good at any volume and is cheap as chips.
Editorial Director Dave Lockwood adds:
The specialised valve/tube
adaptors that Paul is referring to are Yellow Jackets from THD
Electronics, which allow an amp designed for 6L6, 6V6 or EL34 tubes to
use lower-powered EL84-types running in Class A instead. This drops
the output by about half and changes the tone fairly significantly to a
more compressed, softer, typically Class-A feel, but still doesn’t get
you into ‘domestically acceptable levels’ territory.
completely different strategy involves the use of a fully enclosed
speaker that is used instead of your combo’s speakers and then miked up
internally. There are a few products of this type on the market
(Randall’s Isolation cabinet and Demeter’s SSC1 Silent Speaker Chamber),
but arguably the best of them — the UK-designed Hermit Cab — is,
unfortunately, no longer made. The Hermit Cab used a ‘box within a
box’ approach to achieve a serious degree of attenuation, whilst the
others all tend to leak rather a lot of sound. (Confusingly, the Hermit
Cab name is now being used by another company in the USA making
single-skinned isolation cabs, primarily aimed at the live market.)
Sequis Motherload (and its new affordable variant, the Motherload
Elemental) is not just a power soak, it is also a very convincing,
all-analogue speaker simulator, using entirely passive electronics.
Similar units from other companies include the Palmer range (try the
PDI03), SPL’s Transducer and the recently released, convolution-based
Torpedo from French company Two Notes. Personally, I would favour this
approach to solving your particular problem, as it would allow you to
run your Fender amp with the exact settings that you use on stage,
thereby achieving the same balance of preamp and power amp distortion.
Getting these two out of balance, as people often do when cranking an
amp into a power soak, will often result in harshness and a rather
un-dynamic, brittle tone. Power-stage distortion alone is not the Holy
Grail it is perceived as being by many; it merely plays one role within
the holistic tone-shaping action of preamp, power amp, output
transformer and loudspeaker. This is one of the reasons why simply using
a very low wattage amp is not always the answer, as these are often
designed to stay clean until the power stage is being driven hard, by
which time even a 3W amp into a 10-inch or 12-inch speaker is actually
very loud (way above the volume of a loud vocalist, for example).
further option would be to run your valve amp into a simple power soak
and take a line output from that (post output stage, not just preamp)
into the speaker-simulation stage of one of the many software
amp-simulation packages, or a dedicated, convolution-based software
speaker simulator, such as Audio Ease’s Speakerphone.
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