I saw a mic preamp advertised as 'Class A' and 'Transformerless.' What do these terms mean and why exactly are they a good thing?
SOS Forum Post
Technical Editor Hugh Robjohns replies: The 'class' of an amplifier refers to the circuit topology used, and is independent of whether the circuit uses valves, transistors or FET as the active devices.

These basic circuit topologies can be employed in any amplifier design, whether it's a power amplifier to drive loudspeakers, a microphone preamplifier, or a line driving amplifier, as well as in discrete-component or integrated (IC) circuits. However, Class A remains the best choice for audio systems where the power consumption can be tolerated.
The term 'transformerless' refers to the absence of a transformer within the circuit. Transformers can be useful things in audio systems, providing 'galvanic' isolation between circuits and systems, or impedance-matching and the balancing (or unbalancing) of audio circuits, or even providing a 'free' voltage gain, depending on the application. However, transformers also have disadvantages, such as large size and weight in audio applications, and the introduction of large phase shifts which can become audible under some circumstances and therefore undesirable.
Many modern electronic circuits have been developed to replicate some of the desirable characteristics of transformers, without their associated disadvantages, and this is often championed as an overall advantage. Hence the 'transformerless' term is generally seen as a good thing, along with Class A. However, there are some circumstances where transformers still provide the best solution, and the inherent sonic qualities are often deliberately sought.
Published October 2003
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