Part 1: Is It Time To Upgrade To The New Windows OS?
Technique : PC Musician
Several months have elapsed since the
release of Windows Vista - so is it safe for musicians to assume that most music software and hardware is now compatible with the new OS, and
upgrade? PC Musician investigates.
Few PC users can have missed the huge fanfare
surrounding Microsoft's 30th January launch of their latest Vista
operating system — it was featured on local, national and international
news and filled the mainstream monthly PC magazines for several issues,
while Vista is now pre-installed on the vast majority of high-street PCs
across the land.
However, Vista has divided PC experts: some seem to
be jumping up and down with excitement, while others are deeply
disappointed, considering the five-year wait for its release. One PC
magazine catalogued each of its new features in turn and pointed out
third-party alternatives that have been available for some time. Some SOS readers must also be wondering why we didn't seem eager to explore its new features in great depth from day one.
The fact is that most musicians are primarily
interested in making music, and to do this requires an audio interface
and audio software. However, once you've installed Vista, your audio
interface won't function without Vista-compatible drivers, and even
though I deliberately postponed the writing of this feature until some
two months after the official Vista launch, there are still plenty of
audio interfaces without suitable drivers. As I write this in April,
there are also still comparatively few audio developers who have made
official pronouncements about their product's Vista compatibility
(whether they will crash or not), and even fewer who have released
updates that specifically take advantage of this new operating system.
The situation is further complicated by the fact
that apart from the initially baffling array of six Vista product
versions, each one with its own slightly different feature set (see
'Which Version?' box), you can also get most of them in two different
versions on different DVDs.
The 32-bit version provides all the new features,
but with essentially the same performance as Windows XP when running
most applications, while the 64-bit Vista versions will let the PC
musician who has a 64-bit processor install and access lots more system
RAM (typically 16GB for the most popular Home Premium version, and
potentially over 128GB with the Business and Ultimate version), and also
possibly provide better performance once 64-bit audio application
versions finally appear.
Before we investigate what works, what doesn't, and
what performance benefits there are after all your installation efforts,
let's look more closely at some of the new features of Windows Vista
and how they relate to the PC musician.
The most obvious difference is the new Aero
transparent glass design (with 'subtle window animations and new window
colours'), and there's no denying that it looks very sophisticated
compared with the Windows XP interface. All the mainstream Vista
versions include Aero except Home Basic (which is why many shops won't
stock the latter), and it's easy to fall for the translucent window
edges and Flip 3D selection options.
Apart from when playing games, the average PC user
with a modern machine is now probably only employing 10 percent or less
of the available processing power, so Aero and its associated exploding,
scrolling, fading, sliding and dancing animations are undoubtedly fun.
However, even on the latest dual-core and even quad-core PCs, most
musicians are still pushing the boundaries of real-time performance, so
the extra CPU cycles required to run Aero could be a great hindrance.
Aero shouldn't consume extra CPU cycles once your
sequencer's screen display is drawn and static, but as soon as you move a
window, open a drop-down menu, launch a new plug-in or soft-synth
window, or change the on-screen display in any way, your CPU load will
be greater. This situation is no different from Windows XP, where, even
after disabling all the other Windows XP animations, simply enabling the
'Show shadows under menus' option resulted in severe audio glitching on
a song running close to the edge of my PC's processing capability (as I
explained in PC Notes November 2006). So while Aero looks good, we can
safely assume that much of it will need to be disabled to optimise audio
Fortunately, you can disable all the animations and
translucent glass effects while leaving the Desktop Composition engine
enabled. Desktop Composition is a fundamentally new way of deciding what
pixels appear on screen, which should also reduce your CPU load and
ensure greater stability. Instead of relying on each application to be
in charge of its own screen area, Vista now composes what you see from
off-screen buffers. This is how one application can still be viewed
behind another, and how the Flip 3D display becomes feasible, but it
should also ensure smoother scaling of applications to fit on the latest
high-resolution monitors, and much smoother moving of one window over
another when you have multiple applications on screen.
Leaving Desktop Composition enabled will also let
you use the Taskbar previews: if you hover your mouse over any Taskbar
item, a miniature 'live' thumbnail view of the current page pops up, and
updates in real time, making it much easier to find the desired window
once the screen becomes cluttered. You now also access live thumbnails
when using the familiar Alt-Tab application-selector shortcut.
Other new visual features include Gadgets —
mini-applications that can live in the Windows 'sidebar' (a pane on the
side of the desktop, particularly well suited to wide-screen displays). A
small collection of Gadgets is bundled with Vista (including Calendar,
Analogue Clock, CPU Meter, Sticky Notes, Stocks, Headlines, Currency,
and the like), and you can download loads more at
The Gadgets are great if you're on-line and need to
keep up to date with news and finance information, and their variable
opacity means you can keep their visual distraction to a minimum until
you move your mouse pointer over them. They also consume little CPU
power. However, most musicians will want to disable these too, to
maximise CPU performance and to keep the screen as uncluttered as
possible, so it can display the maximum number of mixer channels,
tracks, plug-ins and so on.
The new Vista Search feature is a colossal improvement over the slow and ponderous Windows XP version. Just as with the Firefox
browser's Find function, the Vista search results appear almost as soon
as you start typing in the Search box at the top right of each Explorer
window, becoming more refined as each new letter is entered. There's
also an instant Search box incorporated into the Start menu, to help you
find and launch applications, emails, documents or other data files
more quickly, while the result list uses a vertical scrollbar rather
than the often awkward sideways cascading structures of the Windows XP
Start menu. Overall (and particularly once the flashier elements had
been disabled) I found Vista's new interface a big improvement over that
of XP.
Vista is certainly more secure as an operating
system than its predecessors, which is very welcome, but the new User
Account Control warnings do get tedious. Even when you attempt to open
Device Manager with the highest-level Administrator status, you get a
'Windows needs your permission to continue' warning, as you do with any
other task that Vista deems potentially damaging, such as accessing
various Control Panel applets, changing the system time or date, or
installing a new application. Meanwhile, Standard users have to enter an
administrator's name and password. However, once you realise why these
warnings pop up it's well worth accepting the inconvenience rather than
disabling the UAC. After all, as I reported back in PC Notes December
2004, I once lost all my Waves plug-in authorisations when my system
clock mysteriously jumped forward by a year, and UAC would have
prevented this from happening!
The new bi-directional Firewall is a considerable
improvement over XP's one-way protection. The latter stopped many
nasties getting into your PC but did nothing to prevent installed rogue
applications sending out your personal data in the other direction. The
new Windows Defender anti-spyware utility does a reasonable job but is
still beaten at the task by third-party utilities (see this month's PC
Notes for a review of Spyware Doctor 5.0, for instance). Once
again, by default these security features run continuously in the
background, but are best disabled for optimum audio performance.
The Benefits Of A Clean Install
Unless you're really desperate to avoid
reinstalling a morass of software, it's nearly always best to perform a
complete clean install of any new operating system, rather than
attempting an 'over the top' upgrade. This will ensure that your PC is
as stable as possible, by starting its new life with a lean, clean
Registry and a full set of up-to-date system files.
In the case of Windows Vista, there are yet more
reasons to do this. Some software may not run under Vista, even though
it's already installed. Then, if you later decide to uninstall software
written for Windows XP, its installer/uninstaller routine may not run
under Vista either. For instance, Microsoft's own Power Towers
for Windows XP suffers from this, although I did discover a step-by-step
workaround that may also work for other otherwise immobile software,
courtesy of Rupesh Pawar
Anyone who buys a Vista Retail version can simply
install this cleanly onto an empty hard drive or partition.
Unfortunately, Microsoft have rather complicated the install scenario
for anyone buying a Vista Upgrade version. Unlike any previous upgrade,
where you boot from your new Windows disk and simply insert the
qualifying previous Windows disk when asked, this time around the Vista
Upgrade setup routine must be run from within a legitimate Windows XP
installation. It will leave your existing applications intact, but strip
out your XP installation before finishing.
Microsoft only announced this fundamental change a
few days before the official Vista launch, but fortunately there's a
clever workaround that will let you perform a clean install with a Vista
Upgrade version: you first install Vista as a 'demo' version, without
entering your Product Key, which will let you run any Vista version on
your DVD for 30 days, but won't let you activate it for further use.
Then you run Setup again from within Vista and choose the Install
option, but this time enter your Product Key. Vista will now upgrade
itself to a state where it can be properly Activated. Many thanks to
Paul Thurott of the Super Site for Windows for discovering this
loophole. You can read his step-by-step details at
New Audio Features
So what exactly does Vista offer that's specifically
of interest to the musician? Well, Media Center is now included with
the Vista Home Premium and Ultimate versions, so those with suitable TV
tuner hardware can now watch TV programmes on their PC monitors, and an
MPEG2 codec is now pre-installed, so that you can play DVDs without
requiring special software. Media Player 11 looks a lot better and is
easier to use, while DVD Maker is slightly improved on the Windows XP
version, but still somewhat basic.
Media Player 11 looks a lot better than its predecessors, largely because of the new emphasis on album art.
There are various hidden features that may benefit
musicians, such as the Wave RT (Wave Real Time) driver model that can
offer similarly low latency to ASIO drivers, and the Multimedia Class
Scheduler Service that allows different processes to be prioritised so
that audio streaming can finally become more important than background
tasks, and eliminate glitching. This will tend to happen as developers
support such features in new application releases (Cakewalk's Sonar 6.2 is the only example yet available that does it, as far as I know).
Less positively for musicians, Microsoft are not
keen on existing interface features like zero-latency monitoring — to
qualify for their Vista Premium Logo you must not expose analogue mixer
paths, since these won't be controllable via the new per-application
volume controls that operate in the digital domain, and will therefore
compromise usability!
If you open the Control Panel's Sound applet, you
will find a clutch of new features, including low-frequency protection
(a high-pass filter to you and me), virtual surround (a gimmick to most
of us), room correction (auto-calibration of room EQ using a microphone —
again, not the recommended way to tackle acoustic problems), and
loudness equalisation (a type of compression for avoiding sudden jumps
in level when switching between sound sources). I've no doubt that
mainstream users, especially those with 'home theatres', will find such
features very useful, but professional musicians don't even get the
choice: these features (along with the per-application volume controls)
will only work with the new WaveRT drivers mentioned above, and not with
the ASIO ones that 99 percent of musicians will be using.
Which brings us neatly to the main obstacle that
still prevents so many musicians from considering Vista: drivers. The
vast majority of sequencer applications rely on ASIO drivers to provide
low latencies, so having such drivers is a prerequisite. Without them,
it's rather like buying a new car and not having the right kind of
petrol on hand.
However, not having suitable drivers hasn't stopped
some determined PC users, who try to force a square peg into a round
hole by installing Windows XP 32-bit drivers into Vista 32-bit and
Windows XP Professional x64 drivers into Vista 64-bit by any means
possible (using the F8 key during boot up to temporarily 64-bit 'Disable
Driver Signature Enforcement', manually modifying INF files, and so
on), and then declare themselves unimpressed with its performance after
experiencing random or repeatable crashes. What do they expect?
Moreover, the Vista Audio Engine apparently has
tighter requirements than the XP one, which may result in occasional
audio drop-outs or distortion, or long-term timing drifts. The only sure
way to achieve reliable performance is to wait for the manufacturers to
release official Vista-compatible drivers, and even then there could be
the usual small but seemingly inevitable bugs and glitches on some
systems. So, before you buy Vista, do your research, and if you own a
hardware item without suitable drivers, be prepared not to be able to
use it until they appear.
Having reiterated that warning, what drivers are
there for audio interfaces? Well, as I write this, support is still very
patchy. Some manufacturers, such as Edirol, Lynx, MOTU, Novation, RME
and Universal Audio have both 32-bit and 64-bit drivers for much of
their range, while others, including Echo, Focusrite, Hercules and Line
6, have 32-bit Vista drivers but no 64-bit ones (often the web site
announcement simply states 'Vista drivers', and it's only when you
download them that you find there are no 64-bit ones).
Some developers may have both 32-bit and 64-bit
drivers for some products but none for others, while various
manufacturers, such as Digidesign, Emu and M-Audio, have no Vista
drivers at all as yet, but have made announcements (sometimes with
timescales such as 'Summer' or 'Q3 2007', although these tend to be
predictions rather than guarantees). Moreover, if you have an older or
'obsolete' interface, be prepared for it never to have Vista drivers.
The Latest On Audio Software
The situation with audio software is slightly
different, in that many existing applications that ran fine under
Windows XP will do the same under Vista 32-bit, and may also run under
Vista 64-bit in its 32-bit mode, although there are never any guarantees
that performance, timing, or other issues might not be discovered in
either scenario.
Some developers (Digidesign, for instance)
specifically advise against upgrading to Vista until they officially
release a new Vista-specific version of their software. However, quite a
few others provide compatibility information on existing versions. The
announcement from Native Instruments seems fairly typical: all their
products are pronounced compatible with Vista 32-bit, but while some
might work under Vista 64-bit they do not currently recommend installing
this version.
Propellerheads announced after extensive testing
with early versions of Windows Vista that all their software products
are fully compatible, although those who upgrade from a previous Windows
version will require re-authorisation, and anyone using Rewire and REX
will need to download a special installer because of Vista's enhanced
security features. This looks to be a fairly typical scenario.
Steinberg, for instance, have released a new installer routine required
to install Cubase 4.0.0 (more recent versions install directly from their DVDs), and have also announced that Cubase 4/Studio 4 and Wavelab 6/Studio 6 are all 'usable' with Vista 32-bit, and that Wavelab also runs under Vista 64-bit as long as you first install the Vista 64-bit dongle drivers.
Apps which currently fail to clear the first Vista hurdle include Ableton's Live (which had Aero and other graphic redraw problems) and Tascam's Gigastudio and GVI
(neither of which can even be installed under Vista). My own Vista
experiences indicate that many Direct X plug-ins may give installation
troubles, but that VST ones cause few problems (and even if their
install process fails you can often copy the appropriate DLL file from
the VST plug-ins folder on a PC running Windows XP into your Vista VST
plug-ins folder).
For the wide range of software that's dongle
protected, you also need Vista-compatible dongle drivers before you can
even attempt to run it. Fortunately, Vista-compatible 32-bit and 64-bit
Syncrosoft dongle drivers appeared fairly smartly (,
which meant that products from Korg, Steinberg, Tascam and Yellow
Tools, among others, could be tried out under Vista. After an
excruciating wait, those for Pace's iLok finally appeared shortly before
I finished writing this feature (, although some audio products that use it still lack Vista compatibility. One major example is the famous Altiverb from Audio Ease.
As usual, Cakewalk are way ahead of the game, their Sonar
6.2 release being timed to coincide with Vista's release. It offers
Wave RT driver support "for enhanced CPU performance at low latency"
(for those users who have audio interfaces with suitable drivers), and
incorporates the Multimedia Class Scheduler Service to give its audio
engine prioritised access to the CPU resources, which should provide
bomb-proof audio performance even if you want to open up loads of other
applications simultaneously while running your sequencer.
On-line Information
If you're looking for information about Vista
driver availability for your audio/MIDI interface, or application
compatibility details, here are some useful Internet links:
Performance Benefits
At this point I should state that I consider the
jury to be still out on the performance benefits to audio software from
Windows Vista. Before you accuse me of fence-sitting, let me explain.
First of all, lots of mainstream benchmark tests have now been published
for Vista 32-bit, and many show performance that's within a few per
cent of Windows XP 32-bit, across a range of tasks, when running
applications compiled for Windows XP.
I've also seen various anecdotal tests that suggest
Vista is either significantly better or worse than Windows XP when
running various audio applications, depending on which application is
chosen, which audio interface is used, and so on. However, apart from
Cakewalk's Sonar 6.2, there's little audio software yet
available that's been compiled specifically in order to take advantage
of Vista's new engine, and it has also become apparent over the last
year or two that audio performance can be affected by many factors.
One of the most significant is that musicians often
tend to push PCs to their processing limits, to run the maximum number
of plug-ins and soft synths. While a PC running first Windows XP and
then Windows Vista may therefore provide similar readings on the CPU
meter of a popular sequencer application, when push comes to shove and
you're trying to squeeze a few additional plug-ins into your mix, the
two operating systems may react rather differently, and you'll be able
to run more plug-in or soft-synth instances on one than the other. Such
differences have been highlighted by audio tests such as Vin
Curigliano's DAWbench and LFactor II (,
which have also indicated that your choice of audio interface can make a
significant difference to overall performance, particularly at the
low-latency settings that most musicians prefer to use.
Most music PC manufacturers are currently staying
well clear of Vista unless their customers demand that it be installed,
but Rain Recording's Robin Vincent has already carried out some sterling
work on aspects of Vista audio performance with an extremely high-end
Core 2 Quad processor system featuring 8GB RAM and a 1TB (Terabyte)
audio drive, plus an RME Fireface 800 interface running with 10ms
latency ( His results suggest
that Vista 32-bit may significantly out-perform Windows XP when
optimised and pushed to extremes with plug-ins and soft synths, but that
there's currently almost no difference between Vista 32-bit and 64-bit
performance with Cubase 4.
However, until we get more results across a range of
machines, audio applications, interfaces and latency values, I really
don't think we can draw too many hard and fast conclusions. Your audio
mileage may also vary considerably over the coming months, as we start
to see more Vista-optimised applications and more mature Vista interface
I've enjoyed my time looking at Windows Vista, and
have little doubt that it will eventually provide various benefits to
the PC musician. However, we're concerned with the here and now, and
while a software review will end by balancing the pros and cons,
switching to a new operating system must be considered with great care,
since it can have a fundamental effect on all your other software and
As I sit here in April with my two soundcards, one
of which has 32-bit Vista drivers but not 64-bit ones, and the other
that has none, while only a small handful of my audio applications have
had their compatibility with Vista confirmed, and I already know that
some of my favourite applications and plug-ins definitely won't work,
I'm personally in no hurry to make the transition. I'd prefer to carry
on making music, and for the moment that means sticking with Windows XP.
Remember that Windows XP has been the most
successful Microsoft operating system for the musician by a long chalk,
and that many musicians have been running extremely stable PCs based
around it for some years now. Anyone operating a commercial studio would
also be well advised to stick with Windows XP for at least another six
months, until all the fuss has died down.
Next month we'll find out from audio developers and manufacturers why most are so cautious about Vista, canvass opinions from them on their Vista likes and dislikes, and find out whether or not they consider that 64-bit Vista will ever offer audio advantages over and above being able to install more system RAM.
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