PC Musician
Technique : PC Musician
If the transition to Windows Vista is a
matter of concern for PC-based musicians, imagine how serious it must be
to music hardware and software developers. Our Round Table gives some
of them the chance to air their views about the new OS and the problems
and opportunities it presents.
After last month's SOS investigation of
Microsoft's new Vista operating system, it's the turn of the developers
to offer their opinions. After all, they have all the hard work to do —
developing new versions of software, writing new audio and MIDI drivers
from scratch, and dealing with all the possible repercussions of such a
major change.
It's not difficult to see the situation from the
developer's point of view: there's little extra revenue to be earned
from writing Vista drivers, or in performing the necessary tests with
audio applications that were written for Windows XP to see if they work
fully and reliably under Vista. I'm sure interface manufacturers would
prefer to develop Vista drivers for a new interface that might sell to
those who have just upgraded to Vista, and I'm equally sure that
software developers would prefer us to buy new Vista-specific audio
applications. However, manufacturers and developers don't want to
alienate their existing customer base, so they must embrace Vista.
Meanwhile, musicians who are interested in buying Vista to upgrade their
existing PCs, or in buying a new PC that by now almost certainly has
Vista pre-installed, have a rather different viewpoint. If they already
have an audio interface and several audio applications, they don't want
to be prevented from working by the lack of a single interface driver or
incompatible software application, when the dozens of other devices on
their motherboards are already supported.
With all this in mind, we contacted a cross-section
of audio interface manufacturers and audio software developers to gain
an insight into what's been going on behind the scenes, what aspects of
Vista they like and dislike, how Vista performs with their products, and
what developments they foresee for the future.
In addition to having to write new Vista-compatible
drivers and dealing with the possible fallout from DRM (Digital Rights
Management) and driver certification issues, audio interface
manufacturers also face a major new dilemma: whether or not to support
Vista's new Wave RT (Real Time) audio driver format. This is claimed to
offer low latency and low CPU overheads, but requires both Wave
RT drivers for your audio interface and Wave RT support in your
sequencer application.
Matthias Carstens, RME: "We at RME have no reason
to think that Wave RT will ever be a serious professional audio solution
simply because Microsoft is involved."
While Cakewalk have already championed the new standard in their Sonar
6.2 update, Steinberg already have global support for their (now rival)
ASIO driver format, and I suspect are therefore unlikely to offer Wave
RT support for their Cubase/Nuendo range. Moreover,
the ASIO standard covers both Mac and PC platforms, while the use of
Wave RT drivers is limited to just one Microsoft PC operating system,
which makes writing them a lot of work for a small proportion of
potential users. On the other hand, as I explained last month, only if
you have Wave RT drivers can you access many of Microsoft's new Vista
audio features.
Let's find out whether the interface manufacturers
think Wave RT is worth the effort, how they have been faring with their
other Vista audio drivers, and what they think of Vista's other new
Many musicians are now grumbling that their
favourite audio interface doesn't yet have Vista-compatible drivers, or
that it only has 32-bit ones, which prevents them from accessing more
than 4GB of system RAM. When did you start your Vista driver
development, and why?
RME were the first manufacturers to release fully
Vista-compatible drivers (including 64-bit and signing) in the pro audio
world. Their Fireface 800 Vista drivers were released in November 2006.
Matthias Carstens, RME (Matthias):
"RME started in the middle of last year, when Vista and Vista 64 seemed
to have come near the end of their beta phase. Vista includes lots of
changes for standard WDM drivers, so when offering these a company is
(unfortunately) forced to add the Vista compatibility, especially as MS
forces it into the market by having it bundled by computer
manufacturers. The Fireface 800 driver, released in November 2006, was
the first fully Vista-compatible driver (including 64-bit and signing)
in the pro audio world."
David Hoatson, Lynx Studio Technology (David):
"We started our Vista driver development effort with the first beta
release of Vista. We already had 64-bit drivers available and we wanted
to ensure that our customers had every option available when choosing a
computer to work with our audio cards. We knew that as soon as Vista was
released, computer companies like Dell would ship Vista as the only OS
option within a short period of time."
Paul Messick, M-Audio (Paul): While
we started more than a year ago, due to changes in Microsoft's release
schedule, the complexities of navigating through some of the
under-the-hood changes in Vista, the sheer number of devices we offer
and the desire to only release qualified, high-quality drivers (and not
beta versions), we are just now releasing the last of our Vista
With Windows Vista, Microsoft have for the
first time offered musicians a truly low-latency audio driver model
(Wave RT) that promises to reduce CPU overheads. However, to take
advantage of this, one needs Wave RT support in both sequencer and audio
interface drivers. Since ASIO is already such an established standard
for low-latency drivers, do you think Wave RT will ever become a
significant option for the musician?
David: "I attended the Microsoft
Vista Audio Round Table back in 2006 (before Vista was released), where
Microsoft presented Wave RT to the audio developer community. They
really wanted to have Wave RT replace ASIO as the standard audio driver
for professional audio applications. First, I have to commend Microsoft
for making the development effort to try and win over the pro audio
industry. I'm sure the entire audio industry revenue is just a rounding
error to Microsoft, so having them take notice was very nice!
But so far
the documentation for Wave RT has been incomplete at best. Suggestions
made at the Vista Round Table seem to have been adopted (my major
complaint was that Wave RT would force the application to poll the
current playback position, much like Direct Sound does now, instead of
having the driver signal an interrupt to the application that it needed
service, like ASIO does now). However, these additions are still
undocumented by Microsoft in the Windows Driver Kit. Wave RT also
doesn't solve the basic problem of multi-device synchronisation that was
introduced when Microsoft switched over to WDM drivers years ago.
"More important to the pro audio user is the change
Microsoft made to how the sample rate is selected. Previously, any
application could change the actual hardware sample rate simply by
opening the device driver. If you played a 96kHz WAV audio file with
Windows Media Player, the card would switch to 96kHz just before playing
the file. Now, with Vista, the sample rate is selected by the user in
the Audio Control Panel, and applications that try to play back audio at
a different rate will either fail, or the audio will get resampled by
the OS. This is further complicated by devices that might be clocked
externally. There was no thought given to external clocking (hey, you
can't do that with a Soundblaster, so why bother?), so complete driver
rewrites are required to allow proper operation with external clocking
under Vista. Otherwise, when the user changes the clock rate externally,
they also have to change the rate in the Audio Control Panel. ASIO
doesn't suffer from this problem. It is my opinion that issues like
these will keep Wave RT from replacing ASIO any time soon."
Lynx have an enviable reputation for Windows XP
driver performance with products such as their Lynx Two interface shown
here, but have noticed much poorer performance with Vista.
Paul: "It's hard to say if Wave RT
will catch on, but there are a few clues at hand. Wave RT currently only
supports PCI devices; Microsoft may support other transports, but only
PCI is currently supported. Where Wave RT might have some traction is in
the consumer space. The current implementation of Wave RT seems to be
designed to improve latency for built-in sound cards, which are
notoriously slow to respond. Better support for these sound devices
could improve performance for consumer apps, and provide a better
out-of-box experience for entry-level musicians."
Matthias: "Maybe for the hobbyist,
who also uses all the other home-theatre features that Microsoft centre
all their actions on. We at RME have no reason to think that Wave RT
will ever be a serious professional audio solution simply because
Microsoft is involved."
One audio interface manufacturer is already
complaining that Vista drivers have tighter requirements than those of
Windows XP, which makes occasional drop-outs and distortion or long-term
timing drifts a possibility, and that this is causing delays in getting
drivers released. Have you had such problems?
Matthias: "No. We noticed (like
most others) that Vista's performance at this time is worse than XP,
even without all the Aero stuff (so this is not a driver fault). Also,
PCIe has tighter restrictions, which have nothing to do with Vista.
Microsoft changed a lot of things 'under the hood' and now seem to need
some time to get them running smoothly again."
David: "We have noticed much poorer
performance with Vista. CPU usage is up, meaning less CPU for plug-ins,
or that latency must be increased to maintain the same number of
plug-ins. PCI bus performance seems to be lower. The nice thing is that
ASIO still works as it should with Vista since it bypasses everything
Paul: "Vista is a visually rich OS,
with many features all vying for CPU power. Since high sample-rate,
multi-channel audio is, almost by definition, stressful for any OS, an
added CPU load in one area of the system can make life even more
difficult for other simultaneous tasks. As a result, users are likely to
need more memory, faster processors and faster disk drives to get all
the benefits of Vista while recording and playing back high-bandwidth
audio. This is not necessarily a problem with any given OS, but is a
normal side-effect of the march of technology. Operating Systems add
features, computers become faster, users demand more functionality, and
around it goes."
The Round Table Panel
RME design and develop professional digital audio
interfaces. Their product range includes PCI, PCI Express, Cardbus,
Firewire, MADI and AES/EBU interfaces, as well as stand-alone converters
and mic preamps.
Lynx Studio Technology design and manufacture
professional audio products for applications such as audio production,
delivery and testing for recording studios, project studios,
post-production studios, home studios and live concert settings.
M-Audio offer more than 20 interfaces of varying
configurations, from entry-level to professional, using PCI, USB and
Firewire technology.
Steinberg are a musical equipment and software company who produce the Cubase and Nuendo sequencer ranges, the Wavelab editors, the Halion software sampler, and numerous VST Instruments, as well as developing the ASIO industry-standard driver format.
Cakewalk are US-based providers of software for creating music and sound on the desktop. Their products include the Sonar, Guitar Tracks Pro and Project 5 DAW/sequencers, a range of software instruments, and consumer software such as Kinetic and Music Creator.
Native Instruments are pioneers in the field of
software instruments and other tools for musicians, producers, sound
designers and DJs of all styles, with products that include Reaktor, Absynth and Kontakt, the Traktor DJ line, and the Guitar Rig range.
Vista Audio Features
Most of Vista's more obvious new audio
features (including low-frequency protection, virtual surround, room
correction, loudness equalisation and the per-application volume
controls) will only work with Wave RT drivers, not with the ASIO ones
that most musicians will be using. In your opinion, will these features
ever prove useful to recording musicians, or are they more suited to the
'home theatre' owner?"
Paul Messick, M-Audio: "Users are likely to need
more memory, faster processors and faster disk drives to get all the
benefits of Vista while recording and playing back high-bandwidth
Paul: "Some of these features could
prove useful — virtual surround and room correction, for example — and
some of them have long been part of drivers and applications already in
the market. That said, semi-pro and pro recording musicians are not as
likely to demand these features, since these musicians tend to be most
focused on recording the most accurate representation of their
performances, and less focused on — or even resistant to — tweaking the
sound outside of the mix."
David: "I think it's a great step
forward for Microsoft to put these types of home-theatre features into
the operating system. They're features that may prove interesting for
the home recording artist who is trying to make a surround mix of his
latest creation and would like to try it out in a typical playback
environment after the mix is complete. I doubt many serious recording
engineers or musicians will bother with them — except possibly if they
use the same computer in their living room home-theatre system."
Matthias: "They are more suited to
home theatre. And it's a shame that these functionalities are not
available without Wave RT drivers, as this is obviously an intentional
restriction, not something with logical technical reasons."
There's still a lot of confusion about how
invasive DRM (Digital Rights Management) will be for musicians, with
stories of it disabling digital audio outputs and imposing extra
overheads on audio drivers because of its regular polling to check for
protected content. Have you found problems in practice that prevent your
audio drivers from achieving optimum performance?
Paul: "We haven't certified our
drivers to be in the protected media path, because we have fundamental
hardware issues on some devices (analogue is mirrored by hardware on
S/PDIF, which is automatic disqualification) and we've not seen any
pro-level software that we could test with. We are definitely concerned
about the possible loss of signal quality due to Windows degrading the
audio on digital hardware that doesn't comply with the DRM rules. It is
an important future direction and we will continue to work closely with
Microsoft regarding DRM."
David: "We simply have not run into
DRM issues, since those should be centred around playing back so-called
'premium content'. As was explained to us at the Vista Audio Round
Table, it is up to the content producers (Sony, Warner...) to decide if
their Blu-Ray or HD-DVD discs will have DRM, and what level of
protection is required. A particular disc can require that digital
outputs be disabled to play the disc. If digital outputs cannot be
disabled, such as is the case with our AES16 16-channel digital-only
audio card, then a sub-set of the audio will be played (something like
16-bit stereo instead of 24-bit surround), or maybe nothing at all will
be played. For most pro-audio customers this simply will not be an
issue, unless they are also using the same computer for their home
"The real issue for driver developers is getting
DRM-compliant drivers. (This is different from the 'digital signature'
required for 64-bit Vista support.) Driver developers must submit their
hardware and software to Microsoft for review and testing for WHQL
certification. This is a costly and time-consuming process. In
addition, hardware manufacturers must sign a 'contract' that says it is
impossible to steal content using their device and driver. This puts all
of the legal burden on the hardware manufacturer if someone actually
uses the device to steal content. For a small company, having to sign a
contract to allow Sony to sue you for the acts of a rogue user doesn't
seem appealing. If someone really wants to steal content, even the most
protected content will eventually be copied. Simply hooking up to the
I2S port of the D-A converter allows access to 'unprotected' content."
Matthias: "Not at all."
Some developers were worried that
Microsoft's insistence on mandatory 'digitally signed' 64-bit hardware
drivers would mean extra time and money having to be spent on this
certification process whenever new 64-bit Vista drivers need to be
released. Have you found this to be true, and if so will you be
releasing fewer driver updates in future as a result?
Matthias: "We definitely found this
to be true. And it's much worse. Getting a certificate not issued by
Microsoft themselves (there are lots of companies and they are
significantly cheaper) seems to be problematic, as their certificates
are not automatically supported (included) in Vista. Maybe that will
change later, but now the situation is that on some computers the
signing works but the confirm dialogue boxes still come up all the time.
It's an annoying hassle for the user, but driver releases are not
David: "Not at all. It costs us
$500 per year to have the digital certificate. Once I put the digital
certificate signing process into our build procedure, I don't even
notice it. It is simply a non-issue for us, since we already had 64-bit
Paul: "Digital signing is an easy,
low-cost, automatable process that shouldn't be a barrier for
developers. Fortunately, the days of forcing users to click through
scary 'Stop Installation' dialogue boxes will be over."
It seems that opinions are fairly united on Vista's
poorer audio performance to date, and on the improbability of Wave RT
setting the professional audio world alight, but rather divided on the
subject of digitally signed 64-bit drivers, while there's some
controversy surrounding DRM compliance and its implications.
Let's turn to the audio software developers, who
face a different set of issues with the arrival of Vista and the clamour
from their customers for Vista compatibility. They not only have to
check the compatibility and performance of all their existing products,
but also have to decide whether or not developing 64-bit Vista versions
will be worth the effort and eventually benefit their customers.
Noel Borthwick, Cakewalk: "The biggest advantage
for musicians is the promise Vista holds for being a more stable and
secure platform, as well as the features it offers to assist
high-performance, low-latency applications like DAWs to work better."
Not many musicians realise just how involved
it can be to thoroughly test Vista compatibility of existing
applications, since each feature must be checked not only for obvious
crashes, but also for more subtle timing and drift problems. When did
you start your Vista compatibility testing, and how many man-hours do
you estimate it has taken you to date?
Noel Borthwick, Cakewalk (Noel):
"Vista compatibility can be a pretty broad area, depending how far you
take it. At Cakewalk we've been closely involved with the development
milestones of Windows Vista, dating back to the initial planning stages
of Longhorn at PDC [Professional Developers' Conference] 2002.
We met with Microsoft for early design reviews of the audio stack in
Vista, and based on what we learned about the future operating system
architecture, we started making incremental changes to our applications
in anticipation. The first thing we did back in Sonar 3 was
rewrite our entire audio engine to get away from the Direct X-based
streaming model that we knew was going to be deprecated [gradually phased out] in Vista. Later, in Sonar 5, we added native 64-bit support to take advantage of the gains offered by the X64 platform. Finally, in Sonar 6.2, we added support for new Vista-specific capabilities such as Wave RT, MMCSS [Multimedia Class Scheduler]
and User Account Control. If you count all of this, it would be at
least several hundred man days that we have invested in Vista support to
Angus Baigent, Steinberg (Angus):
"Through our excellent relationship with Microsoft, we've been working
closely with them for quite a while now. But generally, of course, the
move to Vista does add to the quality-assurance time required. Take Cubase 4
as an example. The release version and all updates up to now have been
tested on one Windows OS version, Windows XP. That's every feature and
every fix. The next update will support Vista 32-bit and 64-bit
versions, which each have to be tested independently. And because
Microsoft are issuing five versions, each with a 32-bit and 64-bit
version, we would have to test the update on a total of 10 operating systems. To keep it at all manageable, we will be testing Cubase
4.1 on Windows XP, Windows Vista Home Premium and Vista Ultimate. So
instead of testing one Windows version, this time we'll be testing for
Florian Schirmer, Native Instruments (Florian):
"We started compatibility testing in autumn of last year, and have not
really kept track of the man-hours it took. Apart from the systematic
testing that we conducted, a lot of further insights were also gained by
running Vista as the default OS for all the kinds of testing tasks that
non-related projects brought up.
"Ultimately, Vista testing for us is an open-ended
process, even more so since several third-party Vista versions are not
yet available, especially 64-bit versions of several host sequencers. We
can also expect a Service Pack for Windows Vista coming up, at which
time a lot of tests will have to be repeated. That's just a fact of life
for our colleagues in the QA department, and thankfully they are well
equipped for that."
While testing your existing applications,
did you find Vista 32-bit performed better, worse, or substantially the
same as Windows XP, and are there any performance issues that musicians
should be wary of when running XP audio applications under Vista?
Florian: "According to our tests,
Vista audio performance is overall on a similar level to Windows XP. We
were very happy to see that all the software performed without any
problems from the start, without specific fixes being necessary.
Choosing very sophisticated settings within the Aero user-interface can
be detrimental to the overall responsiveness of the system on
lower-spec'd machines, but that was to be expected. As always, choosing a
leaner interface frees up resources for other programs, including audio
Noel: "In general, our tests
revealed somewhat similar performance with applications running XP-only
features. With Vista-native features you get benefits that are only
available in Vista, such as fewer drop-outs under high system load (with
MMCSS) and better CPU performance with low-latency drivers (with Wave
"The biggest source of problems under Vista at this
time appears to be caused by immature drivers. I'm not referring to
audio drivers necessarily, but drivers in general. For example, we have
had reports of video drivers interfering with low-latency audio
playback. This is most likely attributable to the significant changes to
the new WDDM video driver model in Vista. Also, Vista tends to be more
graphics intensive, so there is a bigger demand for graphics resources,
especially with Aero mode. The key things, in order to enjoy a smoother
Vista transition for DAWs, are to ensure that your computer has at least
2GB or more of RAM, that you have a modern video card with tested Vista
WDDM drivers, and that you have Vista-compliant drivers for all your
hardware. Often a system can only be as good as its weakest link, so
system tuning can be important to ensure smooth functioning of a DAW."
Angus: "We're still gathering data
on this. Obviously, all system components, drivers and plug-ins also
have to support Vista, so you should make sure that all those components
support it."
For some musicians, the only big carrot
tempting them to upgrade to Vista 64-bit is the prospect of being able
to install and access more than 4GB of system RAM. What proportion of
your customers do you think might truly benefit from more RAM, and why?
Noel: "You could access more than
4GB of RAM in Windows XP X64 edition as well, so that aspect is not
exactly new to Vista. However, what's great is that Vista X64 is a lot
more solid, polished and stable as an OS compared to XP X64, which was
really more of a beta OS in terms of support from Microsoft.
"The customers who benefit from higher RAM are
primarily those who use a lot of memory-hungry virtual instruments
(especially samplers) and effects. Under a 64-bit OS, a single plug-in
that has been written to be a native 64-bit DLL will be able to address
more than 4GB of memory. This can be a huge benefit for memory-hungry
samplers such as Dimension Pro, allowing users to access huge sample banks or run several instances within Sonar. In addition to the expanded memory access, a 64-bit CPU can also offer performance benefits for native 64-bit applications."
Florian: "Memory sizes of more than
4GB allow more pre-loading and caching functionality, which can be
useful for all kinds of audio applications. For software instruments in
particular, 64-bit can remove the need for disk-streaming in
sample-based software instruments, which is especially beneficial since
the seek times of hard disks have not really improved over the last few
years. This is one aspect of 64-bit operating systems that we see as
quite promising for musicians."
Angus: "Generally speaking, more is
better for anyone using a DAW. Anyone who uses samples will have to
stream less from disk, which is going to reduce the system load there.
And if you have to use the Freeze function a lot less, that also speeds
you up from a workflow point of view."
With songs that use lots of plug-ins and
soft synths, some developers have measured significant reductions in
processor overhead in a fully 64-bit environment (64-bit Windows running
a 64-bit sequencer with 64-bit plug-ins), compared with the same songs
running in a fully 32-bit environment. If you already have 64-bit
versions of any of your products, or are developing them, have you
personally found any inherent advantages in 64-bit code, other than
being able to address more memory?
Florian Schirmer, Native Instruments, on 64-bit
Vista performance: "Essentially, you are looking at a trade-off where
you get more efficient 64-bit processing at the cost of doubling the
overall data density throughout the system, and whether anything is to
be gained here depends on very specific aspects. We therefore do not see
64-bit systems as a general breakthrough for audio processing."
Florian: "From a strictly
mathematical perspective, 64-bit data processing actually creates more
overhead than 32-bit, not less. This is because on a 64-bit system,
every piece of data that was previously 32-bit has to be 'scaled up' to
double bandwidth, which creates a larger amount of data to be computed
and to be transferred between the system components in the first place.
"Therefore, a reduced processor overhead in a
64-bit-system compared to a similar 32-bit system points more towards
the fact that the 32-bit OS or application is not optimised as
thoroughly as the 64-bit version. It's certainly not due to an inherent
computational advantage that 64-bit systems have over similar 32-bit
"Where 64-bit systems obviously have an edge is when
it comes to processing genuine 64-bit data streams. The real benefits
of 64-bit data resolution for audio processing are rather specific,
since the currently common 32-bit floating point format provides
enormous headroom for most areas of digital audio processing, if it is
implemented properly. Even in the areas where 64-bit resolution is
potentially beneficial, it can still be processed by 32-bit systems.
"Essentially, you are looking at a trade-off where
you get more efficient 64-bit processing at the cost of doubling the
overall data density throughout the system, and whether anything is to
be gained here depends on very specific aspects. We therefore do not see
64-bit systems as a general breakthrough for audio processing, but we
are definitely continuing to look closely at the potential benefits for
our software."
Noel: "Indeed; dating back to
Windows XP X64 we have found performance gains with DAW software,
especially when you are running native 64-bit applications across the
board. This is attributed to the enhanced CPU registers available on a
64-bit X64 CPU that benefit floating-point computations, which are used
extensively during mixing operations in a DAW.
"A 64-bit CPU has 16 general-purpose registers
instead of the eight available on a 32-bit X86 CPU. Additionally, a
64-bit processor running in 64-bit mode also has eight more 'vector' (or
SIMD) registers. There are typically two ways to perform floating-point
computations: in 32-bit mode all floating-point computations are done
via the FPU [floating-point unit] using 80-bit arithmetic; in
64-bit mode a CPU typically performs floating-point computations using
the more efficient SIMD registers.
"In short, you will see maximum performance gains
with an X64 OS running all native 64-bit applications and also some
marginal gains running legacy 32-bit applications, due to the extra
general-purpose registers available."
Angus: "There have been some
reports out there of reduced overhead. We're at a point now where we're
working on our first native 64-bit version of Cubase, so we're
currently still accumulating data about this. We'll be keeping our
customers up to date about that on the Vista page in the Steinberg
Knowledge Base on our web site."
I'd now like to ask a question I also posed
to the interface manufacturers I talked to. The new Wave RT audio driver
model promises to reduce CPU overheads, but needs specific support in
both sequencer and audio interface. Since ASIO is already such an
established standard for low-latency drivers, do you think Wave RT will
ever become a significant option for the musician?
Angus: "ASIO is an open industry
standard that is constantly being developed and regularly maintained,
and is engineered specifically for stable, low-latency operation in
audio production environments. We don't see any specific advantage of
Wave RT over ASIO 2 for audio production."
Noel: "It's true that both ASIO and
WDM XP drivers offer a low-latency solution today on XP. One of the
technical advantages Wave RT offers for PCI audio hardware solutions is a
standard way to directly access the audio hardware DMA buffers without
expensive user-to-kernel-mode transitions. This promises lower CPU usage
at low latencies with Wave RT.
"It's technically possible to have multiple driver
flavours for a given hardware interface, so if I were to guess on a
trend for the future I'd expect to see more vendors offering all three
flavours — WDM KS, ASIO and Wave RT — for PCI audio hardware. In fact,
since Wave RT is really just a specification on top of the existing WDM
Wave Cyclic driver model, as long as a vendor has existing WDM Wave
Cyclic drivers and the hardware supports the requirements for Wave RT,
it typically shouldn't be a huge effort for vendors to support this. I
think it's just a matter of time before you see Wave RT-enabled PCI
solutions. For example, Creative Labs already have Wave RT-capable audio
drivers available for their X-FI series cards. What's also interesting
in the consumer audio space is that you will see motherboard audio
devices capable of low latency out of the box. Wave RT support is part
of the Windows logo certification for hardware, so this is likely to
become very common."
Florian: "We are just starting to
investigate Wave RT in depth, and we see it as a potentially very
beneficial technology that could combine the performance of ASIO with
advanced features and direct integration into the operating system. We
will surely support this technology not too far in the future."
Overall, do you foresee any specific
benefits for musicians from running Windows Vista, and do you anticipate
any of Vista's new features being able to specifically benefit your
future audio applications?
Angus Baigent, Steinberg: "Vista is the future. As a
platform it looks as though it's going to offer musicians and producers
a stable environment in which to work on audio, so it seems, at this
point, to be a worthy successor to XP."
Noel:"The biggest advantage for
musicians is the promise Vista holds for being a more stable and secure
platform, as well as the features it offers to assist high-performance,
low-latency applications like DAWs to work better.
"We've already added support for the Vista features
that we believe have the most promise, namely MMCSS, Wave RT and UAC.
MMCSS allows Sonar to provide for better 'glitch resilience',
even when running multiple concurrent applications. Wave RT allows us to
take advantage of drivers written to support this. Support for UAC
allows Sonar to run as a standard user in Vista, allowing for
greater protection over malicious virus attacks or worms, and also
allowing the application to support multiple user profiles and network
shared-user accounts, a common scenario in music educational
"Finally, besides the technical advantages for DAWs,
look and feel is important to many users. Vista has a more appealing
GUI and also supports offloading more graphics operations to the GPU on
your video card. This will allow future applications to build a richer
GUI with minimal CPU impact."
Florian: "Vista as a new OS
generation has a number of obvious improvements that benefit musicians,
as well as Windows users in general. In terms of features that
specifically benefit music production, the improved task-handling comes
to mind, which prevents background applications from interfering with
performance-critical applications. Practically speaking, this can
prevent priority-conflict situations where you would previously
experience audio drop-outs on your machine."
Angus: "Vista is the future. As a
platform it looks as though it's going to offer musicians and producers a
stable environment in which to work on audio, so it seems, at this
point, to be a worthy successor to XP."
It seems that most developers have been working with
Vista behind the scenes for at least a year, and that they universally
welcome the prospect of us being able to access more RAM (as you might
expect), but are divided in their opinions of Wave RT drivers — and when
it come to the potential benefits of running Vista 64-bit, opinions
become even more polarised.
It's clear that Vista is here to stay, but it's equally clear that certain aspects of its performance are proving problematic for musicians. Some developers praise its stability, while others grumble at its greater overheads. However, as I write this three months after the Vista launch, I think everyone's agreed that it's still very early days for this operating system as far as the audio industry is concerned.
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