Bandstand is Native Instruments' new software GM synth.
It should be simple, but nowhere can I find a General MIDI (XG/GS) software sound module for VST. Can you help? A freeware one would be nice...
Dave Wallace
Features Editor Sam Inglis replies: I don't know of any freeware examples, but Edirol make a software sound module called Virtual Sound Canvas that provides a complete GM2 and Roland GS sound set and is inexpensive — Virtual Sound Canvas Multi-pack, which includes VST, Direct X and stand-alone versions, costs just £49 in the UK.
A more upmarket, but pricier alternative (although it lacks GS support) is Native Instruments' new Bandstand, which was reviewed in last month's SOS (www.soundonsound.com/ sos/may06/articles/nibandstand.htm). It comes with a 2.5GB sound library (which can't be said of your average GM module) and costs £150.
Published June 2006
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