PC Musician
Technique : PC Musician
If your PC is beginning to feel a bit
tired, even though it's a comparatively recent model, do you really have
to abandon it in favour of a new machine, or can clever upgrading
restore cutting-edge performance?
There comes a time in the life of every PC when its
perceived performance moves from inspiring to workaday, and you start to
wonder how you can improve on the current limits for track count,
plug-in count or polyphony. Depending on how 'future proof' your
original purchase was, this generally happens sometime between six and
18 months after you purchased or built it, and once you hit this point
you may increasingly find yourself wondering whether adding or upgrading
to faster hardware components is in order. Should you consider radical
measures, such as replacing the motherboard with one that supports a
faster processor, or perhaps several processors, or installing a
significantly faster hard drive, or even choosing RAID (Redundant Array
of Independent Disks)? Just how much performance can you squeeze from a
single PC? Let's find out.
By far the easiest upgrade to do is adding RAM,
assuming you've still got some spare memory slots available to house it.
Many motherboards support up to 4GB of RAM (and some even more),
although, as I discussed in May's PC Notes, making use of more than 2GB
with the familiar 32-bit versions of Windows XP can be tricky, and may
not benefit that many applications at present. Adding more RAM, if
you're short of it, can improve performance, so anyone with just 512MB
should definitely upgrade to 1GB if at all possible, but beyond that the
advantages are debatable. Many music PCs are supplied with 1GB of RAM
as a matter of course, and I've never personally needed any more than
this, but 2GB is starting to become the new standard. If you feel you'd
personally benefit from more than 2GB of RAM, you ideally need to 'go
64-bit' (see later), when you'll be able to install and make use of 4GB
or more.
Much higher on many musician's agendas when
considering greater performance is adding another hard drive and
creating a RAID array, especially since so many motherboards offer RAID
as an option. After all, if you've already got a suitable motherboard
with untapped RAID features, it will only cost you the price of an
additional hard drive to get started. Even if your motherboard isn't so
obliging there are some inexpensive PCI RAID controller cards available
that should do the same job. So let's examine the various RAID
Most motherboards with RAID offer a choice of RAID
0, RAID 1, RAID 0+1, and JBOD (Just a Bunch Of Drives). JBOD (also known
as spanning) takes all the drives in the array and turns them into one
huge logical drive. If you want to record a large multitrack work of
long duration this might be tempting, but you'll achieve no extra
performance, and if any one of the drives fails you won't be able to
fully access the data recorded on any of the other drives.
All motherboards that feature RAID options provide
copious instructions on how to enable this feature in the BIOS, make
your choice of array mode (0, 1, 0+1 or span), and (for the 0 and 0+1
options) choose a 'stripe' size that determines how the data is split
between the drives. This figure can range from 2K to 64K or so, and
audio playback performance generally benefits from higher values (see
'Technical Terms' box for details).
So should everyone with a RAID-equipped motherboard
rush out and buy an extra drive so that they can split their audio and
sample data and achieve double their current performance, while the rest
of us replace our existing motherboard with one that can handle RAID or
buy a PCI RAID controller card? Actually, in the majority of cases I've
come across, the answer is probably no.
Many musicians are still unaware of just how capable the typical modern 7200rpm hard drive actually is. Way back in SOS
June 2003, in 'The Right PC For The Job', I stated that "There's still
some confusion about which drives are best for audio recording and
playback, but it will help greatly if I start by saying that the vast
majority of modern IDE drives will be perfectly fast enough for most
musicians, without considering the added complications of SCSI or RAID."
I also offered the advice to "stick with a single 7200rpm EIDE hard
drive for audio purposes. It should be perfectly capable of running
around 48 tracks of up to 24-bit/96kHz audio."
Nothing has since changed my mind, especially now
that modern SATA drives provide even faster performance than the IDE
drives of 2003. To reinforce this point, I spent some time creating a Cubase SX
song containing multiple mono tracks recorded at 24-bit/96kHz, and kept
increasing their number until I began to experience drop-outs during
playback. With my 7200rpm Seagate Barracuda SATA 80GB ST380013AS audio
drive I managed a massive 76 tracks before this happened. The majority
of musicians who are still running at 16-bit/44.1kHz should manage well
over 100 tracks from a single drive without getting involved with RAID
at all.
If you want to run more tracks than the figures
above, you could simply try a faster single drive, such as one of
Western Digital's 10,000rpm Raptor models. One of these could boost your
track count significantly, as its sustained transfer rate exceeds
70MB/second on the outer parts of the drive, compared with about
60MB/second for the 7200rpm Seagate Barracuda drives more commonly used
in musicians' PCs. Moreover, its random access time is significantly
better, which should help those among you who are sample streaming. On
the other hand, opinions seem divided about its acoustic noise levels,
so bear this in mind if you want to build a quiet music PC. In addition,
the largest model available was just 74GB when I looked, and that may
not suit every musician.
If you're considering RAID because you're currently
having problems running more than a couple of dozen audio tracks, you've
got a problem elsewhere in your system. One thing to check is that your
hard drives are benefiting from DMA, by looking in Device Manager in
the Advanced Settings page for your various IDE ATA/ATAPI controllers.
For each device on the chain, the Transfer Mode should read 'DMA if
available', while the Current Transfer Mode should have an entry such as
'Ultra DMA Mode 5'. If you see any mention of PIO mode, this is the
cause of your problem. Although Windows is supposed to make the optimum
setting for you automatically, it's not unknown for it to make a
The Case For RAID
So when does RAID move from desirable to necessary? Well, there seems to be a case for those running streaming samplers such as Gigastudio,
particularly when creating virtual orchestras. This scenario gobbles
polyphony like nothing else and can easily consume more than 200 voices.
On well-tuned systems this seems to be about the limit for a single
fast 7200rpm drive. Ironically, orchestral sample libraries also tend to
be vast in size, so you may have to install more than one drive to be
able to access all the instruments. If you need to run two drives
anyway, it makes sense to turn them into a RAID array and get a
performance benefit, and if you need three, your performance will go up
On the other hand, for sample streaming there's a
school of thought that says that you may get better overall performance
by letting those multiple drives act individually, with different sample
libraries (for example, strings, brass, woodwind) on each one. This is
because you're generally trying to access small sections from lots of
files simultaneously, rather than reading or writing one huge file at
enhanced speed. I don't have a definitive answer to this, but suspect
the truth will depend on how you write your music, and how big an
orchestra you're scoring for. Of course if your soft-synth polyphony
requirements are beyond the capabilities of any one PC, installing each
of these different instrumental groups on separate drives in independent
PCs is another popular approach, and one that I'll be covering in more
depth next month.
Tascam report typical polyphony counts of between
250 and 300 voices with a twin-drive RAID setup, lots of RAM and a fast
processor, which certainly ties in with the various user results I've
been tabulating. As a single drive may sometimes manage 200 voices
(although most users seem to achieve fewer), this equates to an
improvement of between 25 and 50 percent. Comparing Carillon's published
track-count figures for their RAID-equipped Core 4 system with their
single-drive systems, the numbers jump from about 75 to between 98 and
108 mono 24-bit/96kHz tracks — so you can also expect an improvement of
3045 percent for audio track counts.
RAID could also benefit those who are using high
sample rates, such as 192kHz. I still doubt that many people will really
notice increased audio quality using this rate rather than 96kHz (most
people seem to agree that it's largely a marketing 'feature' at the
moment), but if you happen to be indulging in multitrack 24-bit/192kHz
audio, RAID may be the only way to achieve more than around 40
simultaneous tracks.
The other obvious potential beneficiary of RAID is
anyone involved in video recording and playback, as the bandwidth
required for that is far greater than for audio. In the past, many
musicians scoring for TV and film have locked their PCs to stand-alone
video-playback machines, but it's generally far more convenient to have
your MIDI + Audio sequencer running a video window. It seems to be the
drive's seek time that limits the advantages of RAID over a single drive
for sample and audio track streaming, because so many individual files
are being accessed. However, if you're streaming a single huge video
file alongside your audio tracks you'll probably find RAID benefits you
rather more.
Extra processing power is the key to really pushing
the boat out with PC performance, as it will let you run more plug-ins,
soft synths, convolution reverbs and so on. In the past, increasing your
processor power usually meant installing a faster version of the same
model of processor in your motherboard, or buying a new motherboard to
take advantage of a different and potentially faster range of
processors. However, there are now so many processor ranges that making
the best decision is rather more complex, even if you're absolutely
determined to stick either with AMD or with Intel products.
As I explained in PC Notes June 2005, anyone
considering a new, faster PC at the moment would be wise to make sure
it's 64bit capable, to ensure they have the potential for improved
performance without increasing the clock speed of the processor. Early
indications are that having a fully 64-bit system may boost the
performance of typical music applications by as much as 30 percent,
which is equivalent to replacing one of today's fastest 3.8GHz processor
models with one of 5GHz. Moreover, for anyone who needs more RAM, a
fully 64-bit system removes the 4GB ceiling of 32-bit systems.
Intel introduced their first 64-bit Itanium
processor back in 2000, but few people bought one, partly because the
first Itanium chips weren't designed to run 32-bit applications at all.
AMD's Opteron, introduced in 2003, could run 64-bit applications under a
64-bit operating system, but also had 64-bit 'extensions' in its core
that allowed it to run 32-bit applications under a 32-bit or 64-bit
operating system, and therefore proved rather more popular. Intel's
subsequent Itanium 2 had a 32-bit emulator that translated 32-bit
instructions into code that could be run on the Itanium chip (although
this entailed a performance 'hit'). For the musician, the best news on
the 64-bit front was AMD's follow-up to the Opteron, the Athlon 64,
which was intended for low-end servers and personal use and was
therefore significantly cheaper, but could run 32-bit applications with
In July 2004, Intel came back with the Xeon EM64T
(Extended Memory 64 Technology) processor, previously code-named Nocona,
which also had 64-bit extensions compatible with the AMD ones. For the
budget-conscious musician, Intel's latest Prescott Pentium 4 600 models
also add 64-bit capability, courtesy of the same EM64T extensions. They
also run at significantly lower temperatures when compared with the
non-64-bit Pentium 4 500-series processors of the same clock speed,
which would seem to remove the Prescott's previous disadvantage of
requiring far more complex (and therefore expensive) cooling
arrangements to remain quiet.
If you're after lots more processing power, I would
personally recommend that you opt for a 64-bit-capable processor now,
even if you intend to carry on running the 'traditional' 32-bit Windows
XP for a while. A '64-bit-only' PC may not be a wise move at first, at
least until any unforeseen hardware and software problems have been
resolved, and because any hardware you own that doesn't have 64-bit
drivers can't be used at all.
Multiple Processors
Both the Athlon 64 and Pentium 600 series are ideal
for anyone about to buy a 64-bit capable PC that has a reasonable
longevity, but for those who want the fastest performance available,
sticking with one processor is no longer the ultimate solution,
especially now that (as I reported in PC Notes January 2005) clock
speeds seem to have reached a ceiling — for the time being, anyway. The
answer is to run multiple processors in parallel, with each handling
part of the total load, and by choosing a motherboard and associated
chip set that supports two physical processors rather than one, (along
with a compatible operating system like Windows XP Professional), you
can typically boost your performance by between 50 and 70 percent
compared with a single processor of the same clock speed.
For example, by far the best processor performance
I've measured to date (running plug-ins and soft synths) came from the
pre-EM64T Dual Xeon PC supplied by Red Submarine and reviewed in SOS
June 2004. At the time, its twin Xeon 3.06GHz processors provided
roughly equivalent performance to a Pentium 4 Northwood of a theoretical
5.6GHz! Other musicians have created systems running dual AMD Opteron
processors with similarly impressive results — and with this CPU range,
systems using up to eight processors are possible, although I've never
heard of any musician running more than two, because of current audio
software limitations (see Hyperthreading in the 'Technical Terms
Explained' box, above, for more details).
The Near Future: Dual-core Processing
While PC systems running dual Xeon or Opteron
processors have already proved their worth for anyone seeking a
significant hike in performance, there's now another way to have
multiple processors in your PC. Both AMD and Intel have abandoned their
pursuit of ever-higher clock speeds in favour of a dual-core approach,
where two processors sit side-by-side on the same chip to provide faster
As I write this, AMD have just officially launched
the world's first dual-core 64-bit processors. The 800 series Opteron is
available now and designed for high-end four- to eight-way servers,
while the Opteron 200-series is aimed at two-way servers and more
general-purpose workstations, and should also be available by the time
you read this. However, for the musician probably the best news is the
unveiling of the dual-core Athlon 64 X2, due to be launched in June.
These new ranges have two cores on a single die,
plus memory, I/O and dedicated caches, but use the same infrastructure
as their predecessors, including the same physical package as the
single-core versions. The dual-core Opterons use the familiar Socket 940
format, while the dual-core Athlon 64s will use Socket 939. So for many
AMD motherboard owners, moving to dual-core simply involves buying a
new processor and updating the BIOS.
Performance benefits for the musician are uncertain
at the moment, but it seems that a dual-core Athlon X2 could provide
more than 60 percent more power than a similarly clocked Athlon 64. Some
of the Opteron benchmark tests I've seen also suggest that a dual-core
model outperforms twin processors of the same clock speed, probably
because having both cores on the same chip neatly bypasses some of the
potential bottlenecks of dealing with two individual cores on physically
separate chips, interfaced via the motherboard. The dual-core model
also generates less heat, which should make it better for use in a quiet
music PC. Overall, it looks as if dual core may be the preferred route
of the future if you're considering any sort of PC containing multiple
Meanwhile, Intel have produced a dual-core Xeon, due
to ship in early 2006, and are also developing dual-core versions of
their Itanium and Pentium 4. The new Pentium 4 (codenamed Smithfield)
will be released as the Pentium D range, and is expected to out-perform
the existing P4 Prescott by something like 40 percent when running at
the same clock speed, depending on the application. This is probably the
most interesting new dual-core processor from Intel for most musicians,
since it will be the cheapest, and because it's expected much earlier
than the dual-core Xeon, in the latter half of 2005. It won't feature
Hyperthreading, like its predecessors, although this will feature in a
new and more expensive dual-core Pentium Extreme Edition.
Sadly, all these new dual-core processor ranges from
Intel will require specific motherboards with new chip sets, which not
only means a more expensive upgrade, but also a longer wait before you
can go ahead, especially since new chip sets may result in teething
troubles. For anyone wanting to buy a new PC at the moment, the AMD
option is more enticing: you can buy a machine with a single-core
processor right now that should be compatible with the forthcoming
dual-core Athlon 64s or Opterons, and then buy a dual-core processor for
it later on.
It used to be possible to buy a computer that would
last you unchanged for at least 18 months, but nowadays this is more
difficult. If your current PC is running out of juice, fitting more RAM
may improve its performance in some cases, and at the very least let you
load more simultaneous soft synths. Installing a faster hard drive or
RAID array may also let you run more audio tracks, although, as I've
explained, many musicians shouldn't find this necessary. However, for
the vast majority of musicians the only real way past a genuine
bottleneck is more processing power, and this generally means a more
radical upgrade. If you already have a 64-bit-capable computer based on
an Athlon 64 or Opteron you may be able to achieve this by moving across
to Windows XP Professional x64, once things have settled down. All the
signs are that you'll also be able to pop a dual-core equivalent of
these processors into the same motherboard later on, for even better
performance — assuming that the motherboard manufacturer releases a
suitable BIOS update to permit this. I can't guarantee that this will
happen in all cases; sometimes it makes more sense for motherboard
manufacturers to introduce a new model to support a new processor, even
if the old one could be forced to do it with a little development
effort. Nevertheless, many existing AMD users have some cause for
Unfortunately, for the rest of us keen to achieve a
serious improvement in processor performance, going 64-bit will probably
mean buying a new motherboard as well as a new processor, or even
buying a completely new PC. If you really must have lots more CPU power
now, upgrading to a motherboard supporting Dual Xeon or Dual Opteron
processors will provide lots more guaranteed performance, and if you
want to buy a completely new PC there are certainly some extremely
capable new systems already available from specialist music retailers in
these formats.
However, so many major technological changes have either just arrived, are imminent or are on the horizon that, unless you really must have that much faster new computer immediately, I'd advise you to sit tight for a month or two until the dust settles. Then the various new processors will actually be available to the public, and systems built using them will have started to appear for testing with 64-bit versions of existing audio software. Overall, I don't envy anyone about to make a major upgrade to their current PC (or buy a completely new one for music purposes), since there are so many changes afoot. All I can say is that it's a very exciting time!
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