Electronic Piano
Reviews : Keyboard
When such an established name in the world of electronic pianos comes out with something new, you'd be wise to sit up and take notice. Yamaha's latest offering, the P200, promises up to 64-note polyphony, state-of-the-art on-board sounds, and a brand new fully weighted 88-note keyboard. Interested? Paul Farrer finds out if it has all been worth the weight.
Electronic Pianos are funny things. They seem to operate in a sort of hi-tech twilight world between 'serious performers' and 'happy amateurs'. They are as likely to appear on stage at Wembley with the likes of Elton John as they are to be seen in small churches accompanying the mumbling masses through 'All Things Bright and Beautiful'. Whether you take them seriously or not, the fact is that instruments that accurately reproduce pianos (and other traditional instruments) and offer us these sounds in an easy to use stand-alone unit, with the look and feel of the real thing, are big business. Yamaha have an enviable track record when it comes to electronic pianos, and their latest incarnation is the P200.
Getting To Know You
The P200 weighs in at a massive 30kg (66lbs) and, being an extremely large 1389x460x166mm, setting the keyboard up is realistically a two-person job. In fact I had to do some serious restructuring of my studio just to get the review model in, and once in position it seems to be such an enormously elegant hunk of metal you almost expect to see Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet hanging off the back of it.
Positive Effects
On the extreme right-hand side of the front panel is a simple three-band equaliser tone control. These controls aren't programmable into the voices themselves, and are simply wired across the output circuitry to both the internal speakers and the main audio out. This kind of simplistic EQ control isn't exactly revolutionary or comprehensive, but it does allow you to subtly 'tweak' the overall sound in real time if you find any of the voices a touch too bright or dull, depending on your performance environment. Next to the EQ are the two independent effects selectors, one dealing with reverb and the other concerned with modulation. There are three reverbs available, Room, Stage and Hall, and three different types of modulation effect -- Chorus, Symphonic and Tremolo. All the selected voices boot up with one or other of these applied, and again, the emphasis is on good-quality effects that are quickly and easily editable as opposed to a vast number of effect options and variants that the average user of an instrument like this is unlikely to need. For instance, holding the reverb select button whilst moving the data entry fader adjusts what it calls 'reverb depth' or ratio of effect input to output. This is the same for the modulation effects; hold the button and move the fader and your electric piano sound disappears in a haze of wondrous symphonic swirl!
The Sound Of Your Voice
The P200 has two main operational states, Voice Mode and Performance Mode. Voice Mode is essentially for when you are using the keyboard in its simplest form, ie. playing single or dualled voices and creating keyboard splits from two individual voices selected from the front panel. Performance Mode allows you to name and store any of these setups and edits in one of its 24 memory locations, accessible from one of two banks each with 12 locations. In keeping with many other keyboards of this kind, each voice has a dedicated select button. No hunting through endless screen pages for the sound you want for P200 users -- you simply press the button marked 'piano' and you get a piano sound. Effortless. One nice feature that I haven't encountered before, but which will doubtless be very useful for a good number of users, is the ability to 'lock off' the main control panel, freezing all the buttons so you don't inadvertently change presets with a stray finger during a performance. To unlock the panel, simply double-click on the preset button you have selected and panel operation returns to normal. Pairing (or dualling) two voices together couldn't be easier -- simultaneously press the two voice select buttons you wish to use and that's it. The balancing of these two voices is done by adjusting the data entry fader whilst holding the 'Balance' button, in a very similar way to editing the effect ratios. Creating keyboard splits is just as painless a procedure, and controlling sound levels and split points within that setup is also very simple. For the more adventurous, however, there are a few basic edit pages (including one with a three-band programmable EQ), but overall these pages are ostensibly concerned with utilities such keyboard sensitivity and MIDI control.
Player Piano
Of course these instruments tend to sink or swim on how they sound and respond working solely as a 'piano', and Yamaha have an enormous wealth of experience to draw on in this department. If you asked a hundred pianists their favourite type of piano sound you'd probably get a hundred different answers, and any designer of an electronic piano knows this only too well. The challenge, therefore, is to create a convincing, but at the same time flexible, piano sound that will appeal to the widest range of tastes without putting your foot too firmly in one camp or another with regards to sound type and colour. Yamaha have always had something of a reputation for 'bright' piano sounds, sometimes evoking criticism that their pianos can often sound a bit 'lightweight'. I personally think that Yamaha pianos, both acoustic and electronic, are extremely responsive and sonically very well suited to a wide range of music styles. The P200 manages to continue along these lines and has captured a very clear, crisp and bright piano that works well as a solo instrument, but also stands out admirably when working amongst other instruments in the mix of a full track.
Published in SOS November 1998
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