Wavetable Synthesizer
Reviews : Keyboard
Wavetable synthesis has its roots in early PPG instruments, and was developed further in the mighty Waldorf Wave and Microwave synthesizers. More recently it has seen service in the all-digital Microwave II, XT and PC. Now, little more than a year after the release of the XT, comes the first affordable wavetable synth with a built-in keyboard -- the XTk. With its eye-grabbing paint job and sleek new knobs, is the transformation from perplexing boffin contraption to hip DJ accessory complete? Whether this new look will appeal to the young and trendy, I couldn't possibly forecast, but at least it gives me the opportunity to get my hands on the most portable, giggable Microwave yet.
Microwave Makeover
Not content merely to graft on a keyboard, Waldorf have seized the opportunity to perform yet another overhaul of the Microwave's appearance. The panel layout has been redesigned, the alpha dial has shrunk, and slender, tapering knobs and extra buttons have been added. The whole thing is finished off with a luxurious coat of pale tangerine paint and framed with wooden endcheeks. In my e
The synth measures 32 and a half inches by 13 and a half, is nearly four inches high, and is surprisingly heavy for its size -- thanks, no doubt, to its solid metal casing. My only reservation with regard to the construction concerns the feel of the new buttons, which wobble slightly as you press them. The buttons and alpha dial are used to navigate through the pages of edit parameters (that's the darker orange 'matrix' section directly above the display), transpose the keyboard and select patches. In the original XT, patch selection required a spin of the alpha dial. Now, however, a row of 11 buttons are used to call up any of the 256 onboard patches by bank and number -- a clear improvement. Pushing the button marked 'Hold' fixes all but the final digit so you can pick patches from a single bank with just one key press each.
The keyboard has a fast, light action with channel aftertouch and attack and release velocity. It seems designed for soloing, which may explain its four-octave length. I hope this is a sign that manufacturers are willing to break the unwritten rule that every synthesizer isn't complete without a five-octave keyboard. However, since my crusade for alternative means of control is out of place here, I'll simply say that the XTk's size is very convenient, and that its combination of keyboard and well-positioned knobs feels just right for playing and tweaking. The transpose buttons extend the range up or down an octave, although this function would have been far friendlier if there were visible indication that transposition had occurred. Perhaps something will be added to the display in a future upgrade?
The rear of the unit features most of Waldorf's name and logo, their bottom halves stylishly falling off the panel. Also not quite making it onto the XTk is a headphone socket. It doesn't seem five minutes since I was moaning about this omission on the Access Virus kb, so I hope this isn't a growing trend. The stereo outputs are supplemented by just two additional o
Architecture Recap
The XTk's underlying sound engine is identical to those of its rackmounting brethren so I suggest a browse through SOS July 1997 (for the review of the Microwave II) and October 1998 (Microwave XT) for the full story of this particular slant on synthesis. A 'wavetable' is a series of digitally stored waveforms, and wavetable synthesis involves playing back a series of individual waves from within a wavetable. The position within the wavetable, and hence the series of waves played back, can be varied using LFO
"Whether you need a harsh digital buzz, a deep filter squelch, a weird evolving pad or the strangest sound effect ever heard, the Microwave can serve it up..." |
The Microwave XTk is thus a digital synth, and it excels at 'digital' sounds; however, every wavetable contains three 'conventional' waveforms (sawtooth, square and triangle), which provide the source for countless analogue-sounding patches. Each note has two oscillators which share the same wavetable but can access different portions of it. Their sound is shaped by an impressive digital filter with 13 different modes such as 24dB low-pass, notch, waveshaper and so on, and a simpler 6dB low- or high-pass filter with no resonance. The rest of the architecture is conventional enough: there are two LFOs, oscillator sync, ring modulation, FM and no less than four envelopes (filter, amplitude, wavetable and an assignable envelope).
The most powerful aspect of the Microwave's programming is the modulation matrix, where up to 16 sources may be freely connected to any 16 destinations. Given such powerful modulation features, having only two dedicated knobs (Mod1 an
In common with other instruments that began life as modules, the Microwave XTk's arpeggiator works at voice level. This means that each patch has its own specific arpeggiator settings, including unique user-definable patterns with up to 16 steps. The downside of this comes when using the XTk as a master keyboard in a MIDI system: there are no dedicated controls to pass on the same instant gratification to other modules. Fortunately, you can assign the four 'play' knobs located beneath the display to control some aspects of the arpeggiator.
The XTk can transmit its arpeggiator notes (and can transmit MIDI clock too,
Multi Story
In multitimbral mode, new functions have been added to reflect the XTk's status as a controller rather than a module. Naturally, you can layer internal and external sounds, transpose internal patches, detune them, direct them to individual outputs or produce split keyboard effects. You can build layers, each with their own velocity ranges, but the fun really starts when you layer several external modules, specifying a velocity range for each and switching between them using the XTk's controlling software. When I began this review, using Operating System version 2.29, I discovered a bug with this function. Having reported it to Waldorf, however, I was impressed to receive an email fix only a few days later.
The aim of synth design is often greater polyphony and more effects, and if judged purely in these terms, the Microwave series seems a little lacking. You can expand the polyphony from 10 to 30 voices; as I write this, however, no expansion units have yet been shipped to the UK -- and it has to be said that expansion isn't cheap, at only about a hundred quid less than a brand new Microwave II, which seems pretty excessive. By today's standards, the Microwave's effects are basic too, having remained at the same stage of
I'll let you decide whether the XTk's four-octave keyboard is a 'pro' or a 'con' (it gets the thumbs up from me), but either way you look at it the XTk provides a smaller, more portable alternative to a rackmount Microwave XT plus controller. And before I finish, it's important to underline the Microwave's greatest strength of all: its raw, undiluted sound. Whether you need a harsh digital buzz, a deep filter squelch, a weird evolving pad or the strangest sound effect ever heard, the Microwave can serve it up, and in a way that is both distinctive to the ear and a pleasure to program. With the XTk, once they've addressed the bugs and omissions, Waldorf may finally have found the perfect way to package this superb-sounding synthesizer.
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