Modelled Analogue Synthesizer • Virus OS 6 Update
Reviews : Keyboard
This limited edition collectable synth
comes complete with the advantages of new features in the latest Virus
OS — and these features can also be added to previous Virus synths via a
free update.
Photos: Mike Cameron
It may sound like a venomous antipodean arachnid,
and you may even find mention of it on the web (groan...) but this
particular Redback is in fact a limited edition version of Access'
Indigo 2 virtual analogue s ynthesizer. The differences between the
Redback and regular Indigo 2 are purely cosmetic, with the additional
'collectibility factor' that every Redback sports the signatures of its
creators, Guido Kirsch and Christoph Kemper. Instead of the standard
Indigo silver body/blue lights colour scheme, the Redback is decorated
in the same vampiric black livery and red illuminations as the Virus-C.
Curiously, the back of the instrument is not red but black — however,
the name does not refer to the rear panel. Look carefully around the
Tempo LED, and if you get the angle of light just right, you will see a
glossy black spider printed on the matt black panel. The red LED is on
the back of the spider's abdomen — hence the arachnid moniker.
The release of the Redback also heralds the latest
OS update, OS 6.0, for the Virus range of synths. The Virus operating
system was last reviewed with the Virus-C, at which point it had reached
version 5.0. (If you're not familiar with the family history of either
the Virus OS or the Indigo series, I suggest reading the relevant
reviews for the story so far; see the 'Recommended Reading' box for a
Viral Evolution
OS 6 is compatible with the Virus C, KC, Indigo2 and
rack XL. The Redback ships with the new operating system pre-installed
(although the review model did not), as should all new purchases of the
other models. If your C-series Virus has an earlier version, there's no
need to feel left out, as OS 6 is a free 660Kb (zipped) download from
the Access website. (
OS 6 introduces three new enhancements, two of which are improvements
to existing functions. The third is completely new and, as far as I am
aware, unique to the Virus-C family of synths. The three enhancements
The original 40 arpeggiator patterns have been
augmented by 24 new ones. These offer a variety of 16th-note and
syncopated sequencer-style patterns, apparently designed to complement
each other when two or more are running in parallel in a multi-part
arrangement. The patterns' dynamics information (note velocity and gate
time) includes judiciously placed notes of extremely short duration
which help to accentuate the syncopation and add to the 'groove factor'.
Due to the numerous parameters of the Virus, and its
limited panel space, many parameters are accessible only via the edit
menus, and OS 6 provides control-panel shortcuts to a number of these
otherwise menu-bound features. A selection of panel knobs now have
alternative functions that can be accessed by using any one of the seven
Edit buttons as 'shift' buttons. It doesn't matter which Edit button
you use for this — the result is the same. For example, to access the
'Filter Envelope Time' parameter, press and hold any Edit button, then
twiddle the filter envelope Sustain knob.
This additional accessibility is helpful, although
the ergonomics of certain button/knob combinations make playing the
keyboard whilst adjusting rather awkward, and reminiscent of
Waddington's 'Twister' game — an extra hand would be useful! You will
need to consult and become familiar with the list of available shortcuts
(see 'Control Panel Shortcuts' box), as there is no screening on the
panel itself of the available shortcuts. I would have liked to see the
facility to assign personal custom shortcuts — I feel there are many
Effect parameters that would benefit from more immediate access, for
example. Nevertheless, the choices on offer are undoubtedly useful.
Recommended Reading: The Virus in SOS
Pure Tuning addresses the subject of polyphonic
pitch intonation, and is the most significant enhancement in OS 6. Equal
temperament tuning has been in common usage since the late 18th
century, and was adopted to enable polyphonic instruments, most notably
keyboards, to be played in any key without having to retune the
instrument. Prior to this, instruments were specially tuned (and still
are by those striving for period authenticity) to achieve the 'purest'
intonation for a particular piece of music, depending on its key.
However, if the notes of one specific chord are perfectly tuned (ie.
there is no beating between the notes), that purity of tuning is lost
when you stray away from the root key. You can just about get away with
subdominant and dominant chords, but add a few accidentals and things
start to sound pretty awful. This is because the frequency ratio between
every semitone will not be consistent. So although a keyboard perfectly
tuned for C-major will sound 'sweet' in that key, the frequency ratio
between the tonic, third and fifth of an F-sharp major chord will be out
of kilter: they will beat excessively and sound out of tune.
Equal temperament circumvents this problem by
adopting a compromise. Essentially, if the frequency ratio of an octave
interval is exactly 2:1 (in other words, any given note is exactly twice
the frequency of the octave below it), and if the frequency ratio of
all 12 semitones in between is constant, then chords in any key should
sound equally good — or equally bad, depending on your cultural
upbringing! That constant frequency ratio, incidentally, is 1:1.059463.
However, as one who failed maths 'O' level three times, I really must
refer you to the 'Addendum VC OS 6' PDF file that accompanies the OS 6
download for a full explanation of the mathematics!
The equal temperament system has served Western ears
well for many years, so why should we want to improve it? The answer to
that is simple enough: it's because now we can. The Virus' Pure Tuning
algorithm analyses any chord being played and instantly adjusts the
notes' relative tuning to produce a 'perfectly' intoned chord. On a
traditional instrument this would be rather like having Superman
adjusting the tuning of every individual note at super-speed as you play
— best keep that green Kryptonite out of the way! The software even
attempts to take into account the context of each note. For example,
C-major and A-minor have two notes ('C' and 'E') in common, but in the
'C' chord they are root and third, while in the A-minor chord they are
minor third and fifth — so the frequency ratios of those notes would
need to be different for each of these chords.
The Redback offers the same functionality as a
regular silver Virus Indigo 2 (running the new V6 OS). What sets it
apart is that striking red and black colour scheme and signature
Pure Tuning offers 128 degrees of variation, from
equal temperament at one extreme to fully pure tuning at the other. I
personally found the fully pure setting to be rather stark in nature,
and the in-between settings seemed rather more musical to my ears. I
also discovered that the order in which notes are introduced can affect
the way tuning is resolved. For example, play a G-minor triad ('G',
'B-flat', 'D') then move the 'G' down to an 'F' while continuing to
sound the 'B-flat' and 'D', making the chord more like a G-minor
seventh. Now release that chord and play the same notes again — 'F',
'B-flat' and 'D'. This time, the Virus interprets it as a
second-inversion B-flat major chord, and the tuning is markedly
different — much purer. This would suggest that, given the right clues
and a fair wind, the Virus can tell the difference between a root major
and its relative minor seventh by context. Clever stuff indeed! The only
catch is that it doesn't always make the right decision if you are
playing one-handed chords without the root at the bottom. That would
require the Virus to be a clairvoyant telepath.
Applied to heavily modulated, processed sounds such
as chorused pads with lots of delay or reverb, it's well-nigh impossible
to hear the effect of Pure Tuning at any setting. However, the
differences are blindingly obvious with sounds that employ little in the
way of pitch modulation or oscillator detuning, such as electric
pianos. Pure Tuning really comes into its own when playing distorted or
overdriven chords. Normally, you would avoid playing full chords
(especially minors) when using distortion, because of the excessive
grunge produced by all those mathematically dysfunctional frequencies
flying around. However, turn Pure Tuning up to maximum, and it's
possible to play a wide range of distorted chords, even high up the
keyboard, that would be a complete grungy mess using equal temperament.
Minor chords and distortion remain unhappy bedfellows regardless of
tuning purity although reducing such a chord to just two notes does
clean things up considerably. One last point: Pure Tuning is a global
parameter in the system menu, and is not programmable per patch. What a
All new Virus models come with free SoundDiver Virus combined editor/librarian software for Windows and Mac OS. The Redback
is available in 'a limited quantity for a limited time', and amazingly
at no extra cost over the standard Indigo 2. So if this sexy-looking
signature model floats your boat (and why not?) you'd better get your
skates on to avoid disappointment. For all I know, they might be sold
out by the time this review goes to press!
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