By Hugh Robjohns
I bought a Rode NT1A a few months ago and I'm now considering
buying a second one. How can I tell whether the two mics are closely
matched enough for use as a stereo pair? In any case, how important is
it that the two mics behave identically to achieve decent results in
stereo recording?
SOS Forum Post
A few simple tests will establish whether a pair of mics, like these SE Electronics SE1s, are accurately matched.
Technical Editor Hugh Robjohns replies:
To answer the last part of the question first, if you plan to use the
mics as a coincident pair (mics placed very close together, usually at
90 degrees to one another), stereo information is conveyed by small
level differences between the left and right channels. Those level
differences are generated by the combination of the angle of sound
incidence to each mic and the mics' polar patterns, and any
discrepancies caused by poorly matched frequency or polar responses will
destroy the positional accuracy of the recording and cause a blurred,
unstable stereo image.
When assessing the performance of a mic, there are three main
characteristics to consider: sensitivity, frequency response and polar
pattern. Here is a quick and easy way to compare the behaviour of a pair
of mics, and hence gauge their suitability for use as a stereo pair.
You will need an assistant to talk at the microphones, and a large
enough room to be able to walk in a circle around the mics — ideally the
room should be fairly dry-sounding too.
Rig the two mics on separate stands and arrange the first so that its
front axis (ie. the most sensitive part of its polar response) is
pointing horizontally forward. Position the second mic directly above
the first, with its capsule as close above the first mic as possible,
and arrange it to point in exactly the same direction. The gap between
the two mics should be exactly at the level of the mouth of your helpful
assistant, who will provide a test signal by talking directly on-axis
to the mics from a couple of feet away. It is important to stay outside
the region where the proximity effect starts to occur for this test, and
two feet is usually a safe working distance. Check both mics are set to
the same polar pattern (if switchable) and remove any high-pass
filtering or pad settings.
Plug each mic into a separate channel on your mixer and pan both
centrally. Make sure there is no EQ or dynamics processing being applied
to either channel. If your mixer has a phase-reverse facility, switch
it into the second channel; if not, use a phase-reversed balanced cable
to achieve the same result. As both mics are effectively in the same
physical place and facing the same way, they should be receiving the
same acoustic signal. However, the use of phase reverse inverts one of
the mics' outputs, so when (and if) the two signals are identical they
should cancel each other out. We will be listening for how well that is
achieved. A perfect match gives zero output!
Let's begin by assessing sensitivity. Have the assistant talk
directly on-axis to the mics from two feet, with a constant voice level.
It is often useful to give the assistant something to read to avoid the
problem of running out of things to say — a handy copy of SOS is a good
source, and guaranteed to keep the reader's interest!
Fade up the first mic channel to its nominal unity gain mark and set
the input gain so that the voice peaks well up the scale. Listen to the
sound quality and check that all is as you would expect. Then close the
first mic fader, open up the second mic to the unity gain mark and
adjust its channel gain to get roughly the same output level. Again,
listen to the sound quality of this second mic and make sure it sounds
as expected — exactly like the first mic, in fact. If it doesn't, you
can save yourself the bother of going through the rest of this process!
Now, fade up both mics together. The phase reversal in the second
channel means that the the two signals should cancel each other out when
their levels are identical, so fine-tune the gain of the second mic
channel to get the deepest-level null (or silence) you can. If the mics
are well matched for sensitivity, the gain controls for the two channels
should end up in the same places.
If the null isn't very deep, or if you have an odd frequency response
(maybe lots of high-frequency sibilance is coming through?) then either
the two mics aren't tonally matched on-axis — and are therefore not
suitable for use as a stereo pair — or there is some EQ left in one of
the mixer channels (or the mixer channels aren't tonally matched — it
can happen!).
Assuming the null is deep (the voice level should drop by well over
20dB compared to the level with a single channel faded up) and the
resulting sound is tonally flat, we can go on to check the matching of
the polar pattern.
Take the phase reverse out of the second channel and pan the two mic
channels hard left and hard right. With your assistant still reading
aloud from the pages of SOS directly on-axis to the two mics, you should
have a well-defined central image from your monitoring loudspeakers
(don't try this with headphones — you won't be able to judge imaging
errors sufficiently well). If you are lucky enough to have a vectorscope
meter or a twin-needle PPM you will be able to confirm visually that
the two channels are identical in level.
Next, ask your assistant to walk in a perfect circle around the two
mics, maintaining the monologue as he or she walks and keeping the same
distance between his or her mouth and the two mics.
If the mics have directional polar patterns the overall level will
obviously fall as the assistant moves around towards the rear null (or
nulls, in the case of hypercardioid mics). However, the thing to listen
out for is that both mics should behave identically — especially over an
angle of about ±60 degrees relative to the frontal on-axis position.
If the polar patterns aren't matched perfectly, you will hear the
sound image of your assistant pull to the left or right of centre — the
direction will depend on which mic is the more sensitive at that
particular angle of incidence. On twin-needle PPMs you will also see the
two needles separate, and on a vectorscope you will see the narrow
vertical line start to lean over to one side or the other. If you become
aware of any image shifts or instability while performing this test,
the two mics are not matched closely enough for accurate coincident
stereo work.
The accuracy of matching between two examples of a single make and
model of mic is essentially determined by the manufacturing tolerance of
that particular model, as well as any ageing effects if comparing old
and new models. The term 'manufacturing tolerance' refers to the degree
of deviation from a defined norm for each model that the manufacturer
will accept when testing and inspecting the mic prior to shipping.
One of the things that you're paying for when you buy a high-end
microphone is a very tight manufacturing tolerance. I've performed the
above tests on various Sennheiser MKH-series mics that I acquired from
different sources, as well as on pairs of Neumann KM184s bought at
different times, and all have demonstrated superb matching. Likewise,
Schoeps mics seem to be built to amazingly tight tolerances.
At the budget end of the market, manufacturing tolerances tend to be
far wider so that fewer mics fail the test and therefore production
costs are lower, resulting in a lower sale price. Therefore, there tends
to be a degree of luck involved in finding two mics which are closely
matched if you buy them at different times from different batches. At
this end of the market, the manufacturers often supply dedicated matched
pairs for stereo applications, where they have taken the trouble to
select reasonably closely matched examples at the factory, and if you
want a cheap stereo pair, this is probably the best way to acquire one.
For the sake of completeness, when recording in stereo with a spaced
pair arrangement (usually involving omnidirectional mics), timing
differences between the channels are captured, as well as the (smaller)
amplitude differences which coincident recording relies on. Consequently
the accuracy of polar pattern and frequency response matching is,
arguably, less critical.
Realistically, how seriously you need to consider these issues will
depend on the demands of the situation and your personal standards — you
could say that you need to discover your own tolerance level! An
experienced ear will be able to hear imaging problems stemming from
poorly matched mics in coincident arrays in a recording of, say, an
orchestra or unaccompanied choir. But if you are recording a group of
backing vocalists to form part of a heavy rock song, you probably won't
require the same level of precision!